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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

Was it pedo porn like 11 year olds

Or was it some 16 year old that he goes to school with that sent him nudes?

Because they can charge him with that even though they are basically the same age

InfoWars' main YouTube channel is two strikes away from being banned

InfoWars, a far-right media organization run by Alex Jones and known for peddling unfounded conspiracy theories, is on thin ice with YouTube after it posted a video that portrayed the survivors of the Parkland school shooting as actors.

The Alex Jones Channel, Infowar's biggest YouTube account, received one strike for that video, a source with knowledge of the account told CNN. YouTube's community guidelines say if an account receives three strikes in three months, the account is terminated.

That video focused on David Hogg, a strong voice among survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The attention has given him a powerful platform -- but it has also made him the subject of demonstrably false conspiracy theories that claim he's so skilled as a public speaker that he must be a paid actor.
On Wednesday, YouTube removed the video from InfoWars' page for violating its policies on harassment and bullying. The video was titled, "David Hogg Can't Remember His Lines In TV Interview."

YouTube has removed the video, "David Hogg Can't Remember His Lines In TV Interview."

It used screenshots of an interview Hogg did with with CNN affiliate KCBS, in combination with other images, in an attempt to suggest that Hogg and other students are "crisis actors."

The term refers to people who are paid to play disaster victims in emergency drills. More recently, though, the phrase has been co-opted by conspiracy theorists who claim mass shootings are events staged to achieve a political goal.

InfoWars repeatedly showed its 2.2 million YouTube subscribers the video before it was taken down.

"Last summer we updated the application of our harassment policy to include hoax videos that target the victims of these tragedies," said a YouTube spokesperson. "Any video flagged to us that violates this policy is reviewed and then removed."

CNN has sent repeated inquiries to YouTube on the outcome of that review, but has not received a response.

YouTube's community guidelines say if the account receives one more strike in a three-month period, it will not be able to post new content for two weeks.

If the account receives two more strikes in three months, it will be terminated.

A source with knowledge of InfoWars' account says all YouTube accounts, including InfoWars', are subject to the community guidelines.

InfoWars founder Alex Jones is known for spreading the conspiracy that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 was fake. Of Parkland, he acknowledges that "real people were shot." But Jones repeatedly implied Hogg and others are crisis actors. He also said in a February 15 video posted on YouTube that he could "officially say that it's about a 90 percent chance" the Florida shooting was a "deep state false flag operation."

Conspiracy believers think false flags are government operations that seek to divert or steer public discussion and policy.


School Shooting Survivors Target NRA-Linked Companies

Survivors of a mass shooting at a Florida high school are hoping to expand the reach of their gun control movement by seeking a boycott of companies doing business with the NRA and urging tourists to boycott the Sunshine State.As the #BoycottNRA movement grew on Twitter, with petitions circulating against companies that offer discounts to NRA members, a growing number of those businesses announced they are cutting or reducing ties with the association.Both Delta and United said Saturday that they will no longer offer discounted airfares to NRA members to attend their annual meetings, and both have asked the gun rights group to remove any references to their companies from the NRA website. Rental-car company Hertz said it would no longer offer a discount program to NRA members and First National Bank of Omaha, one of the nation’s largest privately held banks, said it will not renew a co-branded Visa credit card it has with the NRA.

In an email Saturday, the NRA called the companies’ actions “a shameful display of political and civic cowardice” and said the loss of corporate discounts and other perks “will neither scare nor distract” NRA members.

“In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve,” the NRA statement said.

The State of Florida also was facing some backlash. One of the survivors of the Florida school shooting suggested Saturday on Twitter that tourists stay away from the state. He got an immediate response.

“Let’s make a deal,” tweeted David Hogg, a Stoneman Douglas student who has been a major player in the #neveragain movement. “DO NOT come to Florida for spring break unless gun legislation is passed.”

Wendy Glaab, 60, of Fonthill, Ontario, Canada, was among the first to respond. “I like many Canadians travel to Florida from time to time to escape our winter. I can’t speak for others but I will not be returning until meaningful gun control legislation is in place.”

Glaab told The Associated Press on Saturday that her sister owns property in Fort Lauderdale and she is able to visit any time she chooses.

Members of the NRA have access to special offers from partner companies on its website, ranging from life insurance to wine clubs. But the insurance company MetLife Inc. discontinued its discount program with the NRA on Friday. Symantec Corp., the software company that makes Norton Antivirus technology, did the same. Insurer Chubb Ltd. said it is ending participation in the NRA’s gun-owner insurance program, but it provided notice three months ago. The program that provided coverage for people involved in gun-related incidents or accidents had been under scrutiny by regulators over marketing issues.

Car rental company Enterprise Holdings, which also owns Alamo and National, said it was cutting off discounts for NRA member, as did Hertz.

Other companies, including Wyndham Hotels and Best Western hotels, have let social media users know they are no longer affiliated with the NRA, though they did not make clear when the partnerships ended.

The swiftness of the corporate reaction against the NRA has differed from that of past shootings, including the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that claimed 26 lives, and the killing of 58 people in Las Vegas last fall, said Bob Spitzer, a political scientist at SUNY Cortland and a scholar on gun politics. Spitzer said the reaction was likely a reaction to the student mobilization that followed the Florida shooting, but he said it was too soon tell how significantly it will sway the country’s wider gun debate.

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said this week at the Conservative Political Action Conference that those advocating for stricter gun control are exploiting the Florida shooting.

President Donald Trump has aligned himself with the NRA, suggesting some teachers could be armed so that they could fire on any attacker. However, Trump has also called for raising the minimum age for purchasing semi-automatic rifles, a move the NRA opposes.

In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott announced plans Friday to put more armed guards in schools and to make it harder for young adults and some with mental illness to buy guns. While criticized by some as not going far enough, the measures were significant in a state that hasn’t passed any type of gun control since Republicans took control of state government in 1999.

NRA, Republicans Draw Familiar Lines On Gun Control Debate

Ten days after the shooting massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida — and after survivors of that shooting leapt into action pressing lawmakers for new gun control legislation — Republican politicians and the NRA on Sunday signaled they would resist most new gun laws.

“I do want to caution people, because I know that people are trying to find daylight between President Trump and 5 million law-abiding gun owners all across the United States,” NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.”

“These are just things that he’s discussing right now,” she said of Trump’s comments in support of raising the age to buy rifles.

Loesch said the group opposed any legislation to raise the purchase age for firearms, as well as legislation to require universal background checks for gun purchases. She also said the group opposes a ban on bump stocks, noting that the NRA would leave it to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to “do its job and make sure that these classifications are consistent.”

Republican politicians signaled similar resistance to most new gun legislation.

“I’m not into banning specific weapons,” Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “I think what you need to do is ban specific people from having weapons. Focus on the problem.”

Scott recently released his plan to prevent future school shootings in Florida, including raising the age to purchase any gun in Florida to 21, from 18 for rifles. He also called for a ban on bump stocks.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), pictured above, was more absolutist in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“I wish that background checks stopped criminals, or stopped school shootings, but they don’t,” he said, asked about legislation to require universal background checks for any gun purchase. “Criminals are going to get ahold of guns. What we’ve got to look at is, what’s the solution?”

He said the vast majority of gun sales prevented by background checks had occurred “because the background check system is flawed,” and added separately that the proposal by some to ban AR-15s, like the one allegedly used in the Stoneman Douglas massacre, was “ridiculous.”

“If you take out New York and California, 8 percent of Americans have concealed carry permits,” he said separately, appearing to cite a number published in 2017by the Crime Prevention Research Center, a pro-gun research group.

Massie promoted his bill to repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act and said he supported President Donald Trump’s proposal to arm teachers who volunteer for that responsibility.

And Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) told Todd that he would be “very skeptical” of legislation to raise the age of purchase to 21, “because the vast majority of 18, 19, 20, 21-year-olds are law abiding citizens who aren’t a threat to anyone.”

Asked about a ban on the AR-15, he countered: “Here’s the problem, Chuck. There’s a lot of hunting rifles that are as powerful as an AR-15. The difference between the AR-15 and an awful lot of commonly sold rifles is just cosmetic.”

Toomey promoted his legislation, written with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), to require background checks for gun shows and online purchases. But he acknowledged it would be an uphill battle.

“I haven’t gotten anyone who said, ‘Yes, sign me up,’ but there are definitely members who are reconsidering,” Toomey said.

Still, Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), in an interview with CBS “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan, continued to break with his party in calling for ending the sale of assault rifles and a host of other measures.

In a New York Times op-ed Friday, Mast said Congress should define, and then ban, anything it considers to be an “assault or tactical firearm,” as well as require universal background checks and other new laws.

“I think there’s a very real opportunity here for response, and for action, and that’s what really brought me to my change of heart in talking about this,” he told Brennan.
he deserves to be locked up just off of what they found in his phone......good thing the parents and community are being more vigilant


Concerned about gun posts, dad turns in son’s phones. Cops find something else.


After the Parkland school shooting that horrified the nation, a Miami father told police he was worried about his son’s disturbing posts with guns on Instagram and Snapchat.

So he gave investigators his son’s smartphones — and they found child porn, cops say.

Miami-Dade Schools police early Friday jailed Sean Mesa, 18, a student at Dr. Michael Krop Senior High, on charges of possessing child pornography, as well as improper display of a firearm.

Mesa’s arrest comes amid the tightening response to online threats in the wake of the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland. Ex-student Nikolas Cruz, armed with an AR-15 and extra ammo, killed 17 people and wounded 15 more in the worst school shooting in Florida history.

Before the shooting, Cruz had come to the attention of local and federal authorities for his disturbing online posts with threats and weapons — red flags that were never investigated.

Since the shooting, police across Florida have arrested a wave of young people who have posted threats about violence online.

Mesa came to the attention of U.S Homeland Security Investigations’ Violent Gang Task Force, which forwarded his Instagram and Snapchat photos “recklessly displaying firearms and pointing them at the camera,” according to an arrest warrant.

Miami-Dade Schools Detective John Messenger went to Krop High on Tuesday to try to “engage in a friendly conversation to understand what Sean Mesa’s fascination with firearms was.”


A photo of Sean Mesa and his friend posted on Mesa’s Instagram.

Mesa, however, bristled — telling him “he likes guns and it was his right to post on social media whatever he wished.” But Mesa’s father, concerned about his sons’ posts, agreed to give police the teen’s two phones. The U.S. Secret Service examined the phones and found a video of what appeared to be a child under the age of 10 being sexually abused, according to the warrant.

The video had been sent to two others in a group chat, the warrant said.

Using other devices, Mesa continued posting on Snapchat. Another post showed a pistol on his lap with the caption: “now they watching so I ain’t stopping.”

“The latest Snapchat photos have students and staff at Dr. Michael Krop Senior High alarmed and afraid,” according to the warrant.


Smh he gon kill his parents when he get out for sure.

Trump Campaign Uses Photo of Parkland Shooting Survivor in Email Asking For Donations

On Saturday, President Donald Trump‘s reelection campaign sent an email soliciting donations — and in that email was a photo of the president visiting a Parkland, FL shooting survivor.

“The nation has turned its attention to the senseless school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Trump is taking steps toward banning gun bump stocks and strengthening background checks for gun purchasers,” the email — first reported by CNN — reads. “The President has made his intent very clear: ‘making our schools and our children safer will be our top priority.'”

A little further down, the email links to the campaign’s donations page.

The photo was also publicized on the president’s Instagram, but it did not accompany a plea for money:

Pictured in the photo is Madeleine Wilford, 17, who was shot four times by shooter Nikolas Cruz. Surrounding her are the president, the first lady, and her family.


Trump On Shooting Response: ‘I Really Believe I’d Run In There’ Even Without Gun

President Trump on Monday criticized the officers who failed to confront the shooter at Stoneman Douglas High School, boasting that “I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon.”

Trump’s Monday remarks aren’t the first time the President has criticized the officers who reportedly stayed outside the high school or took cover after the initial gunfire. Trump used the incident to prop up his proposal that teachers should be armed to combat school shooters. He claimed last week that teachers “love” their students more than a security guard does and would go further to protect them.

In the wake of a school shooting at the Parkland, Florida high school on Valentine’s Day, Trump has suggested several reforms to prevent mass shootings: arming teachers, banning bump stocks, reforming background checks for gun purchases and increasing the minimum age for buying a rifle to 21.



Trump Compares Arming Teachers With ‘Natural Talent’ To Baseball, Golf

President Donald Trump on Monday compared being highly trained in the use of a firearm to being good at golf.

He made the remark while speaking to governors from across the country about his proposal to arm teachers who volunteer for the responsibility in order to deter future school shootings.

“When the press covered it, the headline was ‘Trump wants all teachers to have guns,’” the President said. “’Trump wants teachers to have guns.’”

“I don’t want teachers to have guns. I want highly-trained people that have a natural talent, like hitting a baseball or hitting a golfball or putting.”

He added: “How come some people always make the four-footer, and some people, under pressure, can’t even take their club back?”

Trump also speculated that he would have run to confront the gunman behind the Valentine’s Day shooting massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, even if he wasn’t armed.

“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon,” he said.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has confirmed that the armed officer on duty at the Stoneman Douglas remained outside of the building where the shooter began his rampage, breaking protocol. The officer has since retired. CNN and the South Florida Sun Sentinel have reported that as many as three more Broward County Sheriff’s deputies were also outside the building when Coral Springs police arrived at the school, according to the Coral Springs officers.

At one point in his remarks Monday, the President outlined his priorities to prevent future mass shootings like the one at Stoneman Douglas: Banning bump stocks, increasing mental health treatment and empowering law enforcement to commit people involuntarily to mental institutions, acting “quickly and decisively” on early warning signals for potential gunmen, and “striv[ing] to create a culture in our country that cherishes life and condemns violence and embraces dignity.” The President made no mentioning of raising the age of purchase for rifles to 21, as he has in recent days.

Trump said separately that “we’re going to do very strong background checks,” but did not indicate he supported making them universal in order to include, for example, online transactions and gun show purchases.

Broward Deputy’s Lawyer: He’s Not a ‘Coward’ For Waiting Outside During Parkland Shooting

The lawyer of former Broward County Sheriff’s deputy Scot Peterson, who was previously assigned to be the school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, is publicly stating his client acted appropriately during the horrific Parkland shooting. Peterson has been vilified in recent days after it was revealed that he did not immediately enter the building as the mass shooting occurred.

In a statement released to the press, Joseph A. DiRuzzo III pushed back against the criticism Peterson has received.

Let there be no mistake, Mr. Peterson wishes that he could have prevented the untimely passing of the seventeen victims on that day, and his heart goes out to the families of the victims in their time of need,” DiRuzzo stated, per the Washington Post.However, the allegations that Mr. Peterson was a coward and that his performance, under the circumstances, failed to meet the standards of police officers are patently untrue.”

DiRuzzo also noted that his client, who has since resigned, believed his actions were appropriate during the shooting as Peterson believed the gunfire was taking place outside the school buildings, not inside. This is the first public comment offered by anyone representing Peterson since he was identified as having allegedly froze.

Following the news that Peterson waited to go into the school building, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel lit into Peterson, saying that the deputy’s actions were “disgusting” and that it made him “sick to my stomach.” Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has labeled Peterson a “coward.”

