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Official Wrestling News Thread

I mean yeah but dammit man. KO was perfect b/c of he and Sami's history. And the story/feud that would kick off afterwards.

Riddle...meh. Just seems like this is more of a one off thing and then nothing afterwards. Was lookin forward to KO/Sami.

Perhaps all hope isn't lost after all.. unless this is just a story to write him off and set up the return feud but im hoping that hes good to go
I was literally watching that chamber match a few days ago. I had totally forgot about it. I watched this video doc about and revisited it. It being the first obviously plays a role in why it’s the best. The spot where RVD crushes HHH throat with that trash 5 Star Frog Splash had me squirming, I can’t believe HHH finished the match but of course he would.

Last time HBK won a heavyweight title too, turns out mans didn’t even want that shit
I was literally watching that chamber match a few days ago. I had totally forgot about it. I watched this video doc about and revisited it. It being the first obviously plays a role in why it’s the best. The spot where RVD crushes HHH throat with that trash 5 Star Frog Splash had me squirming, I can’t believe HHH finished the match but of course he would.

Last time HBK won a heavyweight title too, turns out mans didn’t even want that shit

Mans wore the fucking ugliest shit brown wrestling pants. Wtf was he smoking.
that match was so innovative when they first introduced it. It instantly became my new favorite cage match. Its a shame what Vince did to it over the years, hopefully theyll fall back from it for a while b4 ever doing another one.
I personally think this is bullshit.
. But I've been saying Cody would win for a minute now FB_IMG_1668746592456.jpg