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A list of AEW talent that is booked like enhancement talent rather than top talent. AEW pushed hard to have people like Punk be the face, but they already have that kind of talent walking in and out.

Penta - He can be a monster heel, the type that doesn't need wins to get heat or momentum. He's just vicious and creepy looking enough that it gets the heat he needs to build feuds without speaking English.

Rey Phoenix - This dude may be the best wrestler in the world, yet he never seems to be pushed as a strong singles competitor. He could be a top baby face very easily. Especially when he feuds with his brother.

Andrade - He was arguably a top midcarder in WWE. I know his English sucks, but guys like Andrade only need a manager and he will deliver the rest of the money through in-ring performance and general swagger.

Brian Cage - He looks like a beast, but is basically a jobber in AEW. Another talent that Lucha Underground did a great job with.

Eddie Kingston - He could be that Foley/Dreamer type of character that everyone loves or hate, but they are always invested. He has that kind of energy.

Jay Lethal - Probably the most versatile talent on the roster. There's nothing he can't do whether it be promos, being a lovable face, hated heel, whatever. Jay is criminally underused in wrestling in general.

Lance Archer - I'm not even that much of a fan, but AEW spent at least a year building him up, maybe more, and yet he's an enhancement talent suddenly. Why waste all of that investment when he actually improved at all levels. He's also sneaky athletic.

Ricky Starks - He has it. Maybe needs a year or so more of good feuds, but he's another criminally under booked talent.

I could keep going, but you get the point. I don't understand how AEW looks like it's full of a bunch of Fuego Del Sol types when they have better talent. The booking feels like an indie company that is working with the minimum, even though they actually have a lot to work with. Someone just can't book there.
add Athena to the list as well.
A list of AEW talent that is booked like enhancement talent rather than top talent. AEW pushed hard to have people like Punk be the face, but they already have that kind of talent walking in and out.

Penta - He can be a monster heel, the type that doesn't need wins to get heat or momentum. He's just vicious and creepy looking enough that it gets the heat he needs to build feuds without speaking English.

Rey Phoenix - This dude may be the best wrestler in the world, yet he never seems to be pushed as a strong singles competitor. He could be a top baby face very easily. Especially when he feuds with his brother.

Andrade - He was arguably a top midcarder in WWE. I know his English sucks, but guys like Andrade only need a manager and he will deliver the rest of the money through in-ring performance and general swagger.

Brian Cage - He looks like a beast, but is basically a jobber in AEW. Another talent that Lucha Underground did a great job with.

Eddie Kingston - He could be that Foley/Dreamer type of character that everyone loves or hate, but they are always invested. He has that kind of energy.

Jay Lethal - Probably the most versatile talent on the roster. There's nothing he can't do whether it be promos, being a lovable face, hated heel, whatever. Jay is criminally underused in wrestling in general.

Lance Archer - I'm not even that much of a fan, but AEW spent at least a year building him up, maybe more, and yet he's an enhancement talent suddenly. Why waste all of that investment when he actually improved at all levels. He's also sneaky athletic.

Ricky Starks - He has it. Maybe needs a year or so more of good feuds, but he's another criminally under booked talent.

I could keep going, but you get the point. I don't understand how AEW looks like it's full of a bunch of Fuego Del Sol types when they have better talent. The booking feels like an indie company that is working with the minimum, even though they actually have a lot to work with. Someone just can't book there.

I wanna add Hobbs to that...but it looks like he's gettin a push for that TNT title
I wanna add Hobbs to that...but it looks like he's gettin a push for that TNT title
Hobbs just won a feud and was about to be a tag champ. What are y'all talking about these people being booked like enhancement talent?
Hobbs been booked poorly until that Starks feud and then disappeared after until recently attacking Wardlow.
Dudes only been with the company for 2 years. That first year was him saving Mox and going heel with team Taz because he was a generic big man at first.

Second year he and Starks won all the way until losing that tag team triple threat, where Hobbs looked like a monster, and turned on Starks to win the feud.

Dude is 20-6 this year and about to be booked in a feud with the TNT champion.

Him disappearing isn't bad booking, it's tony Khan rotating his roster to keep people fresh/let them rest or heal from injuries...which is what he's been doing from the inception of the company.

Ask yourself this, is Hobbs a bigger star today than he was 12 months ago?
Hobbs is booked bad, but Bianca being booked so strong that there is literally only ONE woman we THINK could take her out is the greatest ish ever. Maaaaaannnnn, let me get outta here.
Hobbs is booked bad, but Bianca being booked so strong that there is literally only ONE woman we THINK could take her out is the greatest ish ever. Maaaaaannnnn, let me get outta here.

Why you can't talk AEW booking without trying to bring up WWE? Smh

What yall think the teams will be?

this what i'd do..

The Brawling Brutes + Drew Mcintyre and idk.. maybe call up ilja from NXT?


the Bloodline

although I could see @BDP team prediction of the Brutes and the New Day being the actual team

As far as the women?

DMG Ctrl + Nikki Cross and Doudrop? vs Bel Air, Asuka, Bliss, Boss Glow