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Official Wrestling News Thread

We will see what happens. I still believe it doesn't matter who AEW signs since nothing evolves from it. You will get a bunch of matches with no story built behind them. Think of the big names that went from WWE to AEW. They left WWE with hype or some potential that they could elevate themselves or the promotion they join. Claudio and Danielson don't even have the same glow. It's like when Bret Hart went to wCw and didn't quite seem the same in terms of being a big deal; that is the affect AEW has on free agents.
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We will see what happens. I still believe it doesn't matter who AEW signs since nothing evolves from it. You will get a bunch of matches with no story built behind them. Think of the big names that went from WWE to AEW. They left WWE with hype or some potential that they could elevate themselves or the promotion they join. Claudio and Danielson don't even have the same glow. It's like when Bret Hart went to wCw and didn't quite seem the same in terms of being a big deal; that is the affect AEW has on free agents.

why maintain the idea that aew doesn’t have storylines?

I’ve noticed this common misconception that people who don’t really watch aew like that keep saying.

It’s a tell tale sign that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
We will see what happens. I still believe it doesn't matter who AEW signs since nothing evolves from it. You will get a bunch of matches with no story built behind them. Think of the big names that went from WWE to AEW. They left WWE with hype or some potential that they could elevate themselves or the promotion they join. Claudio and Danielson don't even have the same glow. It's like when Bret Hart went to wCw and didn't quite seem the same in terms of being a big deal; that is the affect AEW has on free agents.

But said they were unhappy or care about having that hype? I think folks are confusing their own feelings regarding that hype the talent has goin into AEW, and think the talent feel that way.

The one thing I've seen a lot of them mention is the freedom enjoy having. Being able to wrestle other talents from outside promotions. Being able to truly showcase their actual abilities in the ring. Being able to cut promos w/o it being fully scripted, and having to stick to that. Being able to be themselves in a way.

I think for lot of them, that's more important than carrying the hype from WWE over to AEW. I mean BD be lookin like a kid in a candy store a lot of the times. On some "I wanna wrestle him...him...OOO OOO THEM...oh definitely him!" Lol
why maintain the idea that aew doesn’t have storylines?

I’ve noticed this common misconception that people who don’t really watch aew like that keep saying.

It’s a tell tale sign that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Cause they don't.

Swerve breaks into Hangmans house, lingers over his babies crib and is the babyface.

Bucks lean into the EVP angle after Punk is gone and can no longer make money off of it. Oh well, let's pair them with Okada for a bunch of insider reasons (14 million reasons, wink wink).

Ospreay is here let's have him feud with his own stable for reasons not adequately explained.

Toni is crazy, except no not really since everyone plays along with the joke.

The devil *was* a story, but we know how that went.
Cause they don't.

Swerve breaks into Hangmans house, lingers over his babies crib and is the babyface.

Bucks lean into the EVP angle after Punk is gone and can no longer make money off of it. Oh well, let's pair them with Okada for a bunch of insider reasons (14 million reasons, wink wink).

Ospreay is here let's have him feud with his own stable for reasons not adequately explained.

Toni is crazy, except no not really since everyone plays along with the joke.

The devil *was* a story, but we know how that went.
Swerve was very much a heel when he did that. Let’s not pretend otherwise

None of what you said about the Bucks makes any sense. In fact what are you even trying to say?

don callis literally explained his reasoning for having Ospreay fight in his own stable no matter how ridiculous it may have seemed. There was a logic given.

Toni went crazy after she lost her belt which is an age old wrestling troupe. Aside from her butler who else is playing along with it? Cause everyone else acknowledges that “this isn’t the Toni they knew.”

The devil story only fell apart cause Cole got hurt.

I know you’re trying to work this reverse Shenco gimmick but….