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Turns out, we should also be extremely grateful to have 52 year old Ron Killings back at all. Before his return last November, we knew Truth had been out for more than a year recovering from a torn quad, and that he’d dealt with some post-surgical infections that extended his time on the sidelines. What we didn’t know was that those infections almost cost him his career — and his leg.

He told the story to Peter Rosenburg on the latest Cheap Heat:

“I had a hole in my knee. I had five different bacteria that caused the infection along with MRSA, staph, and their cousins and kinfolks. It started off as a routine quad tear. I tore my bottom quad. They went in and I guess it could have happened during surgery. I went to get the stitches out and we found out that the bacteria, the infection, was eating from the inside out so that’s where the hole came from.
“The doctor said, ‘We gotta get this under control. If we can’t get this under control, I’m gonna have to think of options.’ He was straight shooting with me. He said, ‘You’re in the woods big time. We have to get this under control.’ It would not heal.”
“Then I had to go three months, I had to have a wound VAC on. It was a VAC on my knee that kept sucking the old blood up and putting the new blood, all that stuff, like I had to wear that for six weeks all along with a PICC line that I had to have for eight weeks.
“I did that, and once all that was over with, the stitches started coming out on their own. So I had stitches coming out of my knee by itself, so my body wasn’t agreeing to it so I had to get surgery for a third time and the infection was still there, so I had to get another PICC line as well. It was a good four months or five months of just trying to kill the infection, slow it down, stop it, and I’m going mentally crazy because there was a chance, he said, the other option was amputation. You know what I’m saying?
“So to go from doing the 24/7 stuff, running around, doing things with my kids, to NXT, me and Grayson Waller tearing it down and doing things to stopping and then getting told this? It was a big reality check man. It was a pump the brakes moment.”
Scary story, and even in the midst of it Truth manages to work in a laugh out loud line with “MRSA, staph, and their cousins and kinfolks.” What a legend.
And they wonder why they put the Tribal Chief on ice after he got hurt at Summerslam.

Tell Seth to come chill on the island with his Shield brethren til Mania.

I mean I didn't wanna bring that up buuuuutttt....

This why myself and others have stated as to why Roman has done less ppv. Or at least the ones that matter. From a business standpoint...you got to protect your investment if the big pay day is WM. Whether it Roman vs Cody or Roman vs Rock. For Seth...it was possibly him vs Punk.

But now it looks like things may change. IF he don't need surgery and can still go, you sit his azzz down until he somewhat heals for WM. I dunno how serious an MCL tear is. Maybe one of yall who've had that happen can explain.
The injury is said to be a 4-6 week recovery time. Rollins will still be able to do mania barring any crazy setback

Meh...sit him out til then. This will be a good time to build up their feud. Both he and Punk are masters on the promo game. You can still have Seth walk/limp out and talk his Punk shyt. Have Punk do the same, especially if he wins RR.

In the meantime...throw Punk in a small feud that leads into EC. After that....turn the heat back up b/t he and Seth heading to WM. Just an option
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Either he relinquishing that belt...or pull a Cody and push thru that shyt like Cody did his bicep. But unlike Cody, that's only if he doesn't need surgery. Welp...this might change things for WM.

Scenario 1: No surgery. He pushes thru til WM. IF Punk wins RR, he drops title to him.

Scenario # 2: He has to get surgery. Relinquish the title. Either a tournament is created for the belt.

Scenario #3: Surgery. Title Relinquished. BUT title belt on the line at EC. Winner could possibly face winner of RR at WM.

Scenario #4: Nothin happens. They let him heal up until WM

Just spitballin shyt. WWE will figure it out
#1 & #2 are the best options to go with imo...