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Official Wrestling News Thread

Lol Seth out here looking wild...storyline ofcourse. They will use all thia footage for the Punk return doc they do for everybody and talk about his "issues" with Rollins. Punk v Rollins at Mania would be dope.
Lol Seth out here looking wild...storyline ofcourse. They will use all thia footage for the Punk return doc they do for everybody and talk about his "issues" with Rollins. Punk v Rollins at Mania would be dope.

I doubt it was a work on Seth's part, but I do agree they will use it as a storyline... they ain't stupid.
I doubt it was a work on Seth's part, but I do agree they will use it as a storyline... they ain't stupid.
Its def a work. Rollins selling his ass off. WWE isnt going to let one of their stars have a blow up on tv about somebody they just invested into and signed. Id thats the case Rollins just as much of a hot head as Punk was. They were told he was coming out due to multiple reports and he knew or was told what to do to sell the potential match down the line.
Found some good nuggets about this ish..

CM Punk has made his WWE return, and we'll go through some of the news circulating.

- Regarding Drew McIntyre, he was legit upset after his match, but it was related to things broader than CM Punk. We'll work to find out more. As far as Seth Rollins, most people in the company believe he doesn't like CM Punk, but is wise enough to capitalize on that by working heavily.

- Those we spoke to claimed that Vince McMahon wasn't involved in the decision making of CM Punk coming back to WWE, and instead it was a Nick Khan/Triple H call. Vince McMahon had once shot the idea down of CM Punk coming back to the company when Fox wanted him for Smackdown.

- For those asking about what the AEW reaction has been, there's been almost none that we've heard from.

- There was talk of Punk being a "free agent," but he is scheduled for WWE Raw.

- Much of WWE Raw was already planned without CM Punk, so rewrites for the show are in order to fit him in.

- Regarding any references on TV or Shinsuke Nakamura, Punk was not planned to be brought in when those started. The angle could certainly be adjusted to include Punk, but it wasn't at the time. There aren't many people who know what Nakamura's current program is.

- While there was word elsewhere that CM Punk and Triple H's talks all happened within the last week. At least as of the Sunday prior to Survivor Series, we'd heard of them having a conversation to "mend fences."

- PWInsider noted that Punk had been made an offer by TNA Wrestling. Ibou of Wrestlepurists had said this weeks ago, and it's true. We'll have more on that this week.

- Many in TKO actually found out while watching WWE Survivor Series.

- The claim from those within WWE is that it's a multi-year agreement. We still haven't confirmed that the deal has been physically signed, though some other outlets have reported that.
Found some good nuggets about this ish..

Footage of Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre getting visibly angry in response to CM Punk’s return quickly went viral. Sapp writes that numerous talent felt excited, curious, and just about every emotion, as reactions varied. The report noted that the talent in the main event WarGames match was informed about Punk’s return prior to the start of the bout. One talent claimed to be legitimately upset about Punk’s return.

It’s unclear whether Rollins and McIntyre were actually upset, but they at least claimed to be. Sapp writes that Rollins had to be “ushered away” by Triple H and Michael Hayes once he got backstage, as he was looking for Punk.

Additionally, McIntyre was said to have been visibly upset backstage, and he slammed the door on his way out. Sources close to McIntyre indicated that he confirmed it was linked to Punk’s return, it wasn’t a work, and he was selling on his way to the back to maintain professionalism.
So they did know??

So Seth is just selling? Like that? That felt beyond WWE selling lol but good for them..they have a feud ready

I don’t think HHH would have pulled this off unless he let the talent know. He was very secretive up until the main event
Also Drew was one of the people expressing Punk was welcomed back like 3 weeks ago. It aint about Punk..reports are saying its part of a work with Damien/Jey.
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