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Remember this from 2008?

Smackdown head creative writer Michael Hayes has been suspended for 60 days for using a racial slur with a co-worker at a recent gathering.

WWE suspended Hayes from his duties for allegedly using the n-word during a conversation with African-American wrestler Mark Henry last month at a Wrestlemania weekend event in Orlando. The incident occurred during what was described as “casual talk” while several wrestlers were drinking at a party. Sources say Hayes told Henry, “I’m more of a n—— than you are,” then playfully head-butted the 400-pound grappler. Henry, a former Olympic weightlifter who is billed as “the world’s strongest man,” took exception to the remark and later complained to WWE management, and Hayes was slapped with the suspension
Remember this from 2008?

Smackdown head creative writer Michael Hayes has been suspended for 60 days for using a racial slur with a co-worker at a recent gathering.

WWE suspended Hayes from his duties for allegedly using the n-word during a conversation with African-American wrestler Mark Henry last month at a Wrestlemania weekend event in Orlando. The incident occurred during what was described as “casual talk” while several wrestlers were drinking at a party. Sources say Hayes told Henry, “I’m more of a n—— than you are,” then playfully head-butted the 400-pound grappler. Henry, a former Olympic weightlifter who is billed as “the world’s strongest man,” took exception to the remark and later complained to WWE management, and Hayes was slapped with the suspension
Jade need to get in the ring more than once or twice a month, in WWE she would have vastly improved
They had her showing up on Dark to get her reps / stat pad her streak. I think her working Ring of Honor and not being protected as much as she previously was would be a big help.
The people who said WWE is filled with top guys who dont want to work with him
Pls name somebody outside Rollins. Roman never said he never wanted to work with him, he just threw disses in character.
Only other names I could think of that might not be big on Punk would be KO or Sami due to their friendship with the Bucks & the rest of the Reseda boys.

Even then they'd probably still work with him because the WWE locker room understands what's "best for business".
They had her showing up on Dark to get her reps / stat pad her streak. I think her working Ring of Honor and not being protected as much as she previously was would be a big help.
Her working with other performers who stink don't make either better
The people who said WWE is filled with top guys who dont want to work with him
Pls name somebody outside Rollins. Roman never said he never wanted to work with him, he just threw disses in character.
It was said in a report but no names were named

Rollins the only one whos really spoke up about it but at this point I wouldnt be surprised if there were more who just aint saying anything publicly (I mean it could just be as simple as them not wanting to fuck up the upward trend that they on)

Either way, I'd never wanna piss one of my top guys off just to bring in Punk but thats just me cause im not a fan...
Also when it comes to things like this i start looking at all types of possible outcomes..

If I bring in Phil and he gets into it with Rollins then it might fuck up our business relationship..

If Seth is unhappy then I also have to look at the possibility of Becky ending up being unhappy/siding with him.

thats two of my top stars that are mad and that could lead to a domino effect of other people in the locker room not being happy just because they close with those two.

Once a situation like that is created thats when shit starts to get messy and the locker room starts to divide.. cause of course you gone have those who are cool with Punk and pushed for him to come back and then you got those on the other side.

it'd basically put them in the SAME exact situation that AEW was just in if shit were to go left