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Official Wrestling News Thread

What the hell would his name even be? He bout to turn back the clock to Sexton Hardcastle??
He might...

Man he didn't bother anyone until the whisper campaign started. He said he was there to elevate the younger talents (which has happened even if he hasn't done the job for them). TK favouring him is entirely a TK problem and not his, the day 1s not liking it is also a them problem.
Yeah I posted a video regarding that “elevating new talent bullshit yesterday

John Cena saw thru that bullshit a decade ago

Dude been there a year
This might need its own thread. But hell nah Punk ain't in the right. He dead ass wrong.

There's a lot of Grey area in the whole thing, right? Like there's 2 sides to a lot of the issues and that's cool. But the bold ain't 1 of them at all. Thats some ol bullshit, and it was bullshit the 1st time Punk said it in the press scrum.

Young people that ain't really done shit in the business, except grow the business to the point that All In could ever take place and directly lead to the birth of AEW. The same AEW that Punk was shook to join at the beginning stages. It was the young guys putting on the shows in the beginning that built the brand, the young guys who worked thru the pandemic and kept a fledgling company on track, and the young guys who made AEW a safe enough bet for Punk to want to join on once it'd been proven to have staying power.

That's his own words too, he sat back and waited to see if they would sink or swim. So yeah it's pretty rich of him to show up and expect everyone to kiss his ass when he wasn't in the trenches. Not to mention the height of hypocrisy considering Punks well known views when he was the young guy having to make way for the bigger names to come in and main event over him.
It's bullshit when there are guys like Hangman who didn't particularly have a great reign and Jungle Boy coming at him? They really haven't done shit in the business though? The Bucks and Omega are definitely exempt from what I said. They're not "young guys that haven't done shit in the business", they clearly have done shit. A LOT of shit.

Additionally, AEW didn't really start fully hitting it's stride until they brought in him and Danielson. 2021 is called one of AEW's best years for a reason. It didn't have it's first million dollar gate until Punk main evented a PPV. I said it earlier, TK positioning him as a top guy isn't his fault. Especially when he is quite literally a draw and still proves to be one. He was content working Rampage until TK wanted to put the belt on him. Them feeling like their spots are threatened by his presence is entirely a personal problem too. He said it himself that he was there to help the younger guys, something that has been done. Darby, MJF's best feud until this current program. Ricky Starks is now back on form. Jay White finally got his footing in the company after spinning his wheels since his debut. Feel how you want about him but facts are facts man.