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He can go in the ring
He is average. Its a ehhhh for me. The past 7 years i been watching shows with him on it and its always been the same ol same. When AEW signed him im like atleast he in a trio..

He reminds me of Kenny King. Average wrestler that is not entertaining at all. Hell now that i just said that Kenny King is exactly the equivalent of Scorpio Sky.
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One thing AEW got to do better at is not giving somebody the spotlight for 30days then drop the push to focus on another push then circle back to the guy they were pushing before then rinse and repeat..
Hopefully this improves with the increased TV time. Although a lot of the midcarders are gonna start having to fight for their spot or risk being relegated to ROH lmao.
In an interview with Adam Silverstein on the Getting Over wrestling podcast, Ford and Dawkins expressed frustration with their current situation and suggested a heel turn might be on the way:

Ford: “I feel like there is huge room for more of a demeanor change....last year at SummerSlam was pretty much our official last time on the big stage to go for the tag team championships, and we didn’t succeed. And that loss stung, still to this day, stings for a long time. It’s been almost a year at this point. So, I feel like the more you get these opportunities and the more times that you don’t succeed, the more the natural feeling of [being] upset, frustrated...which leads to a possible character change. Well, whatever you’re possibly doing is not working. It’s one of those things where, if the revolving situation keeps happening, then the change must happen.”
Dawkins: “Definitely. Look man, those losses play a lot in my head, a bunch. It’s getting frustrating a little bit ‘cause you keep getting so close to something and it keeps slipping away. It’s just like right there at your fingertips, and every time you try to do it the right way, it’s just not going your way. It’s just like, alright now, look I’m sick and tired of waiting. I’m sick and tired of having to go through all these hoops to get to where the goal is to be the champions...”
Ford: “You look at guys like Roman [Reigns] and [Austin] Theory. These guys aren’t doing it the right way, but they’ve been successful for a very very long time. In the back of your mind, you go hmm, should I do the way that they’re doing? Or should I keep true to the Profits, and the righteousness, and the ability, and everything that’s been getting us here...you reach a plateau of doing what you’ve been doing for a long time and then things don’t happen. So, maybe a change has to happen...eventually frustrations do rise and changes need to happen.”
I like Brit character but she needs to improve a lot. Thing is AEW has decent female wrestlers but yea last night was bad lol
She gets way too much grace cos she was their first female signing. Kenny needs to book the women's division again and focus on the joshis again.
Seriously tho, don’t see a reason as to why Athena and Willow can’t anchor the AEW women’s division at this point. They can drop their belts and just move back to AEW tv but we know TK ain’t bout that action

So we stuck with Brit and the Outcasts. And I like Toni Storm
Athena and Willow would be the best bet to rebuild the women's division around. I know people were pissy about ROH belts being booked on AEW TV but Athena doing her defences on TV would be best for business lmao.