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official MTV The Challenge thread

Lmao it must be bad out there in his mentions. I want him to be right but his track record with chicks in the show says otherwise. This is just the first time it's been a focus of the show and blown up. Everything they do is edited to look a certain way but I doubt they're just making something out of nothing.
Lmao it must be bad out there in his mentions. I want him to be right but his track record with chicks in the show says otherwise. This is just the first time it's been a focus of the show and blown up. Everything they do is edited to look a certain way but I doubt they're just making something out of nothing.

They've been doing the shows for so long, that they've gotten too comfortable around the cameras.

Probably to the point that it doesn't always register to them that every thing they do is recorded.

If he really didn't care about what she was doing with Theo, I don't see how they'd be able to edit it to make it look like he did.
Ninja made a complete ass out of herself.

And her girl Dee made it even worse.

Ninja was going off on Turbo and acting like a total brat, but........as soon as Turbo starts to defend himself against her..........Dee comes in and makes it seem like he's being the aggressor.

Didn't have a word to say about her girl Ninja acting a damn fool, but quick to start popping off at the mouth at Turbo for....."yelling at her friend."

Ninja felt like an idiot when they ended up winning the comp and making the tribunal.

She tried to apologize to Turbo, but he wasn't having it.

Some might say he's being petty, but I don't blame him.

Turbo's done with her.

Mainly because.........as he said during the show:

"She showed me her real face."

And she did.

Ninja was acting all humble and apologetic after the fact, but.......if they hadn't made the tribunal........she would've still been going off on him.

And even then, Dee still tried to blame everything on Turbo when all he was trying to do was use the best strategy to win the comp.....which they did.

Perfect example of everything that's wrong with 3rd wave radical feminism.
I just need this Paulie and Cara shit to end, all their scenes get the fast forward treatment

I'm almost hoping Paulie volunteers to go into an elimination with Kyle.

Just to see him lose.

I don't care about either one of them, but it would serve him right if he's dumb enough to risk losing a chance at a million dollars over that stupid feud.
I wanna see Paulie get his face smashed in and humbled. I hate this dude.

If Kyle was 100%, he would’ve beaten Theo.

Ninja needs to go somewhere w her crying ass. She snapped on Turbo for no reason, he had a great game plan and she went off on him and they still won and now she wants to apologize. I’m with Turbo, FTB.
Shit is wack haven’t watched a single minute since the first episode I think....too many new faces and we can’t understand none of them too much fake drama
new faces are refreshing, it was getting old seeing the same group make their way to the finals...
Nah these new overseas guys ain’t doing it ....not saying they gotta keep reusing the same ppl but there s a strong pool of ppl we know and are familiar with to pick from....who the fuck watches Geordie Shore or
Nah these new overseas guys ain’t doing it ....not saying they gotta keep reusing the same ppl but there s a strong pool of ppl we know and are familiar with to pick from....who the fuck watches Geordie Shore or

A lot of the people that are the vets now came from the first fresh meat season so nobody knew who the f they were at first either.

I think mixing it up like this saved the show. But also I used to watch UK big brother so I remembered a couple of them and can understand the accents easier.

As for Paulie... that guy talks a whole lotta shit and never backs it up when it's time. He's like that annoying little rooster from the cartoons. Dude talks shit in the diary room like a WWF interview.

Also... these rookies have no idea what they're in for in this final. The three remaining vets should be happy as hell that there's 5 rookies up in there.
I don’t care about the shows they come from tbh... I watch the challenge because I enjoy being entertained by their stupidity, drama and love the mental and physicality of it.

as much as Bear is highly obnoxious he’s also highly entertaining and him and his gf really f’ed with Wes’ mind.

The big chick that was teamed up w Kyle is a beast of a competitor. I don’t think any female is really gonna take her on physically.

The Challenge desperately needs these shows to fill up the challenge, otherwise it would’ve died off. Road Rules and Real World no longer air, can’t draft them guys to the challenge anymore.
While I like that they changed shit up and the new people weren't shook to take out vets off top this season has been boring and unentertaining af.
While I like that they changed shit up and the new people weren't shook to take out vets off top this season has been boring and unentertaining af.

they need a break... you can see that they’re burnt and injured... give em a year off...
I was shocked to see Paulie lose while everyone else didn’t seem to have as much of a problem he did. I think when he dove in head first, he injured himself. And LOL @ him crying like a baby bc he lost... I get he’s hard on himself about that but come on my dude..

Da’Vonne needs to get her ass into shape. If she did, she would be a beast. She has the damn mindset but doesn’t have the physical ability.

That little British chick has surprised the hell out of me, she’s a little firecracker

and that final looks deadly... they’re legit trying to kill them..
I was shocked to see Paulie lose while everyone else didn’t seem to have as much of a problem he did. I think when he dove in head first, he injured himself. And LOL @ him crying like a baby bc he lost... I get he’s hard on himself about that but come on my dude..

Da’Vonne needs to get her ass into shape. If she did, she would be a beast. She has the damn mindset but doesn’t have the physical ability.

That little British chick has surprised the hell out of me, she’s a little firecracker

and that final looks deadly... they’re legit trying to kill them..

yeah brit chick suprised me too thought she was just a frumpy crybaby but she gets after it. davonne suprised the fuck out of me with the killing floor but yah she needs to get her ass in gear

Dee pissed me the fuck off with that bullshit with turbo and tried to play victim

Bear was an asshole but a hell of a competitor

Im rollin with Turbo and Cara

i hope hunter fails he a bitch
The finals have been weak for seasons i cant remember if there were any good ones since icleand or wherever they were at that was grueling as fuck
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