happy juneteenth!
as several “figureheads” head to the white house to speak on the case of reparations, i think its important to note that every Black worker in this country should be for reparations NOW. the huge value accumulated from unpaid labor of enslaved humans, an upwards of $14 trillion dollars in todays terms, should go to working-class descendants in an effort to uplift our living standards. thats you, me, and those throughout the global south and diaspora.
we, as a people, still face economic exploitation via capitalism. wall street, banking institutions, insurance companies and other various financiers owe their origins to chattle slavery.
these institutions continue to prey on historically looted communities. continue to propel our disenfranchisement city to city, hood to hood, block to block while their pockets remain fat.
will reparations end state violence or mow down these hegemonic sys that serve to only subjugate and destabilize us as a people? no. will reparations end the prison industrial complex and dismantle white supremacist sovereignty? no. will reparations lead to decolonization? no.
but should a people that continues to be met with violence, abuse, prison, and ongoing genocide both physically, culturally, and spiritually be paid for their labor? for their descendants unpaid labor? YES.
economics = survival. economic empowerment is an act of resistance. im tryna eat, we all deserve to eat.
from chattle slavery, to jim crow status, to mustard gas experiments used on Black soliders in world war 2, to flint, to eric garner, to marsha p johnson, to the central park
america owes big time
and in the famous words of rihanna
...bitch betta have my money