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this motherfucker breath on 10 right now and I be damn if he aint just walk to the store and come back wit some chili cheese Fritos...

In other news, when has the last time y’all done recreational activities like bowling, roller skating, or shooting at a gallery?
So I'm scrolling through my google app..

My thoughts, these white folks confused cam newton with DL Hughley...oh shit, that is cam newton...lol
Good morning. I want to point out that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. So, when you get a chance, thank a teacher for the following, if nothing else:

If you know why people sound silly that still can’t use your and you’re or to, two, and too correctly....thank an English teacher.

If you know the difference between 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 3/8, 6/8, 12/8 time signatures and can tell that these artists out today have NO MUSICAL CLUE WHATSOEVER what’s what....thank a Band Instructor. But don’t call them teachers...they are Band INSTRUCTORS, dammit. (Side note: Thanks a bunch, Mr. James Tharp and Mr. Davis)

If you’re looking at the cashier at your local Crack Donalds with the side eye because they are struggling to give you the correct change from a $4.39 meal when you handed them a $10 spot...thank a Math teacher, then tell that dumbass clerk the next time they go into Math class to PAY ATTENTION.

If you know why it’s perfectly legal to play “Fuck the Police” at a precinct or a rally when the Sacramento police, who killed a young black man named Stephon Clark because they thought his cell phone was a gun but NO ONE is getting charges put on them for it....thank your High School Civics teacher for teaching you about the 1st Amendment, then go play “Fuck the Police” outside as loud as you can at a precinct. Seriously. Cause that is some bullshit.

If you’ve lived past the age of 26 without having kids or waited till YOU knew when the right time came to procreate, not because it was “God’s Will”, but because you know how reproduction works and how you can properly use birth control...thank your Health Teacher.

Point: Teachers just don’t teach facts. They teach LIFE. So this week, thank one of them. Buy them a muffin, shake their hand, something. Just be grateful for the folks. Without teachers, we’d all look like those dumbass, “poorly educated”, possibly half-inbred, Bible Belt residing, FUX News-loving hicks we read about....and their Idiot Emperor they sent to DC, which isn’t working out so well for well, anyone in America.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! ‍

P.S. Fuck-a Betsy DeVos.
Good morning. I want to point out that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. So, when you get a chance, thank a teacher for the following, if nothing else:

If you know why people sound silly that still can’t use your and you’re or to, two, and too correctly....thank an English teacher.

If you know the difference between 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 3/8, 6/8, 12/8 time signatures and can tell that these artists out today have NO MUSICAL CLUE WHATSOEVER what’s what....thank a Band Instructor. But don’t call them teachers...they are Band INSTRUCTORS, dammit. (Side note: Thanks a bunch, Mr. James Tharp and Mr. Davis)

If you’re looking at the cashier at your local Crack Donalds with the side eye because they are struggling to give you the correct change from a $4.39 meal when you handed them a $10 spot...thank a Math teacher, then tell that dumbass clerk the next time they go into Math class to PAY ATTENTION.

If you know why it’s perfectly legal to play “Fuck the Police” at a precinct or a rally when the Sacramento police, who killed a young black man named Stephon Clark because they thought his cell phone was a gun but NO ONE is getting charges put on them for it....thank your High School Civics teacher for teaching you about the 1st Amendment, then go play “Fuck the Police” outside as loud as you can at a precinct. Seriously. Cause that is some bullshit.

If you’ve lived past the age of 26 without having kids or waited till YOU knew when the right time came to procreate, not because it was “God’s Will”, but because you know how reproduction works and how you can properly use birth control...thank your Health Teacher.

Point: Teachers just don’t teach facts. They teach LIFE. So this week, thank one of them. Buy them a muffin, shake their hand, something. Just be grateful for the folks. Without teachers, we’d all look like those dumbass, “poorly educated”, possibly half-inbred, Bible Belt residing, FUX News-loving hicks we read about....and their Idiot Emperor they sent to DC, which isn’t working out so well for well, anyone in America.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! ‍

P.S. Fuck-a Betsy DeVos.
Well someone is happy that they are a teacher.....
Good morning. I want to point out that this week is Teacher Appreciation Week. So, when you get a chance, thank a teacher for the following, if nothing else:

If you know why people sound silly that still can’t use your and you’re or to, two, and too correctly....thank an English teacher.

If you know the difference between 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 3/8, 6/8, 12/8 time signatures and can tell that these artists out today have NO MUSICAL CLUE WHATSOEVER what’s what....thank a Band Instructor. But don’t call them teachers...they are Band INSTRUCTORS, dammit. (Side note: Thanks a bunch, Mr. James Tharp and Mr. Davis)

If you’re looking at the cashier at your local Crack Donalds with the side eye because they are struggling to give you the correct change from a $4.39 meal when you handed them a $10 spot...thank a Math teacher, then tell that dumbass clerk the next time they go into Math class to PAY ATTENTION.

If you know why it’s perfectly legal to play “Fuck the Police” at a precinct or a rally when the Sacramento police, who killed a young black man named Stephon Clark because they thought his cell phone was a gun but NO ONE is getting charges put on them for it....thank your High School Civics teacher for teaching you about the 1st Amendment, then go play “Fuck the Police” outside as loud as you can at a precinct. Seriously. Cause that is some bullshit.

If you’ve lived past the age of 26 without having kids or waited till YOU knew when the right time came to procreate, not because it was “God’s Will”, but because you know how reproduction works and how you can properly use birth control...thank your Health Teacher.

Point: Teachers just don’t teach facts. They teach LIFE. So this week, thank one of them. Buy them a muffin, shake their hand, something. Just be grateful for the folks. Without teachers, we’d all look like those dumbass, “poorly educated”, possibly half-inbred, Bible Belt residing, FUX News-loving hicks we read about....and their Idiot Emperor they sent to DC, which isn’t working out so well for well, anyone in America.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! ‍

P.S. Fuck-a Betsy DeVos.
Ours not til May
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