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Today is a monumental day. I just ate some cereal the first time in 10 years. I forgot how good cereal is. What a time to be alive
Needing a study or a tweet to understand this...

I don't know bruh. It's one thing to understand that black babies are better off when in the care of black doctors. That shouldn't be the case, but it shouldn't surprise anyone. But 3x more likely to survive just based on the race of the doctor? That's kinda crazy. What the hell are they doing to account for that type of difference?
Appreciate the kind words. I was close to my grandma my entire life. It would come and go yesterday and when it came it hit me hard and I was a wreck lol. I'm holding onto the fact I remembered to tell her I loved her when we said goodbye a week ago or so. She was happy when I saw her so yea I'm keeping that memory and all the good ones I can remember
Lil cuz didn't make it.
I hate dealing with this type shit
I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences
Appreciate the kind words. I was close to my grandma my entire life. It would come and go yesterday and when it came it hit me hard and I was a wreck lol. I'm holding onto the fact I remembered to tell her I loved her when we said goodbye a week ago or so. She was happy when I saw her so yea I'm keeping that memory and all the good ones I can remember

I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences
Thanks bruh and sorry for your loss.....And thanks everyone for your words.

I am not quite processing this yet. Don't think I will for a while.not sure how I feel.
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Just finished Weeds and by far the worst angle was Nancy and Andy finally hooking up

Had to google if they dated irl because they had been pushing it so hard for seasons
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