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i used to credit my sign for making me wanna do hoodrat shit around November

called it an "itch" and everything....and really played into it

"uh oh its about that time of year....temptation is high and self control and moral values are low!....cant contain it, because stars"


Lol definitely do more risky shit if it’s a full moon.
  • Haha
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when people add sugar and shit to food that dont need it, it just masks the fact that whoever cooked it cant cook and they spreading those poor habits down to the chirren

and here's a thought, why not put ya fridge on the coldest setting and put ya milk right in front of it instead of using fucking ice??

did this nigga really just say the ice keeps the cereal crunchy?? So, milk makes it soggy, but add ice cubes that are...you know...made of water, and that melt keep them cruncy?

i can't deal with this nigga today man
You got damn sodomite!

I was gonna drop the science but fuck you

This nigga a hater!

lmao ay man i felt like a fat ass the other day and had to think about that shit

I was being lazy and grabbed some frozen seasoned fries to go with some burgers

I heat the oil up, drop my first batch in and let em settle.....its been a minute since i did some frozen fries so im like hmmm how long should they stay under?

let me grab the bag to check the instructions.....surely they'll tell me

there's oven directions....and there's air fryer directions

no mention of stove top or grease anywhere

my heart rate went up, I heard kids laughing, saw flashes of the news clip "Louisiana ranked 50th......unhealthiest states......obesity....smoking..."


this is the world I live in now......cold and flavorless
i saw this but whats the history part

is this why Funk Flex blew???

dude was literally just in the club until THIS?
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