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Obama explains what he did for black people

trump was the ideal of racist. so he would be supported by people wanting things the way they were when black people was still submissive.

you can not compare that to the disrespect Obama dealt with.

no one ever screamed "you lie" to a president..ever. yet that happened to obama.

so its not one mic or occhie wally.....its got yourself a gun
This got nothing to do with what I’m saying.
But wasn’t he just so powerful that he must be voted out before he does any more damage?

so what you saying here? Did Obama and Trump have the same leeway to act the same way? Are you saying because they are both president that they should have had the exact same power and influence? What’s the point you want to make
soooo your forgot one had White privilege and the other had black immigrant privilege. And trump ain’t getting voted out because he powerful he getting voted out cuz covid. He looks powerfully because he openly racist. Y’all can unstand black folks being held back except when it comes to the presidential office?
I said he got voted out because of COVID in another thread. So for the sake of this conversation we will pretend that no one said he needs to go because he has the power to do damage or do further damage?
so what you saying here? Did Obama and Trump have the same leeway to act the same way? Are you saying because they are both president that they should have had the exact same power and influence? What’s the point you want to make
So them both holding the same position didn’t grant them the same level of power? Or did one guy do what he wanted while the other made excuses while doing what he wanted when it was beneficial to him?
Wow. About as real as it gets. Very polarizing conversation. I personally feel the man did what he could given the constraints he was working under.

This is one of the reasons ''Black Panther' was so awesome, because it pitted two forces on opposite sides of the same coin (T'Challa vs. Erik).

Obama stated his goal was to build a coalition. MLK would have done the same thing. So would Malcolm X. A lot of militant black folks forget that.

I have my popcorn ready. Convo is going to be lit.
Malcolm stated even after he left the Nation of Islam that Black people require a specific solution. A multi color coalition does not mean blacks don't require specific solutions.

And let me put this out here: America is not a monarchy (he stated this in the interview).

For those of you saying he should have wiped out 400 years of the results of slavery in his eight years in office, what would that have looked like?

Keep in mind, as bad as Trump is with disregarding protocol, even he couldn't get all the things he wanted.

So please tell me how you think Obama would have been able to only target black people without regarding others? And selling that through the Congress? Or even executive orders?

This seems like an exaggerated version of the argument you disagree with.

No one of substance would ever suggest that he could or would undo 400+ years of oppression. The argument was that he would be in a position to do more to undo that oppression than any other black man before him.
What laws do you think Obama could have gotten passed that he didn't succeed on to help only black people?

Another exaggeration.

There is a difference between doing something "only" for blacks and "specifically" for blacks.

"Only" suggests that no one else could residually benefit from the progress of blacks.

"Specifically" suggests that blacks benefit first and foremost. If others benefit as a result of Black progress, so be it, but not more than blacks.
I said he got voted out because of COVID in another thread. So for the sake of this conversation we will pretend that no one said he needs to go because he has the power to do damage or do further damage?

he has the power to do damage yea. Like anybody that in charge of something. But he is not the boss of the country
So them both holding the same position didn’t grant them the same level of power? Or did one guy do what he wanted while the other made excuses while doing what he wanted when it was beneficial to him?

One guy did what he wanted and failed and we have this mess. The other guy didn’t do enough as you’re implying but we had a better position in 2016 than today. By a little
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"Specifically" suggests that blacks benefit first and foremost. If others benefit as a result of Black progress, so be it, but not more than blacks.

would the Affordable Care Act fit this description.

whats your criteria or language that is needed to fit your criteria of “specifically”
Good convo. We aren't trying to convince anyone one way or the other. All we are saying is that the facts show Obama did help in providing a better quality of life to black folks as a whole. There will always be people who deny that impact, or marginalize that impact based on their feelings. The stats say otherwise.

The ADOS movement who thinks Obama should have 'only' helped black people, or expected him to erase 400 years of black people being 'slighted' during his term is delusional.

And a lot of you guys have no clue or very little understanding of how the U.S. government works.

Also, a lot of guys are delusional about how policies affect the nation as a whole.

No offense to the guy who suggested legalizing drugs (decriminalizing is legalizing), but that is the example I am referring to.
So basically what we’ve learned is that when a president wants to do something he’ll do it.

that’s not how government works. Trump wanted to build a wall across the whole border? Where is the wall? He wanted to deport all the immigrants but y’all still here. Yea he has influence but presidents arent dictators. So by saying a president can do what they want when you know that’s not accurate seems like you want to tailor the answer a certain way
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Malcolm stated even after he left the Nation of Islam that Black people require a specific solution. A multi color coalition does not mean blacks don't require specific solutions.

This seems like an exaggerated version of the argument you disagree with.

No one of substance would ever suggest that he could or would undo 400+ years of oppression. The argument was that he would be in a position to do more to undo that oppression than any other black man before him.

Another exaggeration.

There is a difference between doing something "only" for blacks and "specifically" for blacks.

"Only" suggests that no one else could residually benefit from the progress of blacks.

"Specifically" suggests that blacks benefit first and foremost. If others benefit as a result of Black progress, so be it, but not more than blacks.

Maybe you should start from the beginning of the thread, because everything you stated is what these posters have been throwing up.