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It's not my personal experience bc I'm surrounded by respectful, positive, and loving men.

Just bc it's not my reality doesn't not make it reality for someone else. I hear it in music, but most of all, I see it on social media. Still with that being said, I am NOT and don't group all black men bc of a few that have abused, disrespected, and mistreated black women. The good I've seen doesn't outweigh the bad. I love black men, period.
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I don't think this black men vs black women narrative exists anywhere but in the States so you guys should start specifyin' before this crap starts infectin' niggas everywhere

truthfully it only exists online.

Shit, if we said we had to fight Black women in the same way ther would be a whole outcry over it, think pieces written by the shea butter and braids set, and Candace Owens on Fox News saying... something.
truthfully it only exists online.

Shit, if we said we had to fight Black women in the same way ther would be a whole outcry over it, think pieces written by the shea butter and braids set, and Candace Owens on Fox News saying... something.
Nah it's in real life too
Convinced this chick is an agent
The pathetic thing is she wasn't even manufactured in some soviet camp where they were trained in martial arts, espionage and subterfuge like a real agent. She was activated by white supremacy talking points, a couple youtube videos and lgbtuvw+ group think podcasts that told her what to think.

Her and the rest of the bra burning brigade at LSA are just some wanna be white feminists trying to die on the hill of black male supremacy and bw vs bm.

Shits sad
I saw this tweet. Black American men stay getting blamed for what others do.... For what it's worth, the nigga who killed the activist and the nigga who attacked shorty with a skateboard are from immigrant backgrounds
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