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OPINION Necessary Evils?

can you flesh this out a lil?

how are they necessary, even if they 'play their position'?

As far as side pieces go...

I don't think monogamy is for everyone. In those cases an understanding gotta be established between everyone involved.

Being sneaky is unnecessary and evil.

Also we have physical needs so if I'm being physically deprived then it's literally necessary for me to seek some physical attention.

And this
I think the 'evil' is the perception from the outside looking in but as long as the side understands they role and aren't interrupting the main situation aka playing they position then its fine

Your s/o loses all interest in sex for example. Why should the other be deprived of fulfilling that need? In comes side piece.
I think the 'evil' is the perception from the outside looking in but as long as the side understands they role and aren't interrupting the main situation aka playing they position then its fine
As long as the side understands uhm what about the main is she understanding this as well?

And this

Your s/o loses all interest in sex for example. Why should the other be deprived of fulfilling that need? In comes side piece.
Doesn't logically add up tho. The hole created by no-sex from your SO could easily be solved by exploring an open relationship or getting another sexual partner with their consent.

So it isn't a necessary evil since necessary evil's are defined by usually being the only option. There's another option that addresses the same hole.

And this

Your s/o loses all interest in sex for example. Why should the other be deprived of fulfilling that need? In comes side piece.

If she lost all interest most likely she just got her interests elsewhere.
So you might wanna check that out. Lollll
If she lost all interest most likely she just got her interests elsewhere.
So you might wanna check that out. Lollll

Not always the case tho.

Sex is not a big deal to a lot of folks. So for them...they can live w/o it. But why should the person they're with be denied that pleasure?
Doesn't logically add up tho. The hole created by no-sex from your SO could easily be solved by exploring an open relationship or getting another sexual partner with their consent.

So it isn't a necessary evil since necessary evil's are defined by usually being the only option. There's another option that addresses the same hole.

How is that any different from having a side piece?
I would think it's the opposite in most cases. The side piece is usually there for the physical.
You really not a happily married guy are you @Germs

I’m no shrink but you sound like you looking for what’s missing in your marriage through these side pieces...
I would think it's the opposite in most cases. The side piece is usually there for the physical.

Guess I’m different in that regard, a woman can’t give you her mind, feelings, and spirituality. She can share those things with you. I don’t feel like we should restrict our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves to one person.

What a woman can give to you is her body, her physical. I think that’s not something you should seek in another if you choose to say that this is the main woman I want. And if you do, then don’t say she’s the main woman you want.

I feel da physical is more sacred
If you need a side piece, you need to be single.

Unless y’all got some understanding and all parties are with it.

Which pretty makes it an open relationship.
How is that any different from having a side piece?
A side piece implies cheating. A mistress, side-dick, what have you.

Having an open relationship/marriage or an understanding with your partner that allows you to have other sex partners isn't really having a side piece in the traditional sense.

If by side piece, you mean someone your spouse is okay with you sleeping with, then nah that isn't a necessary evil because there is no evil in that.

Either way, by any definition, side pieces aren't necessary evils. They either aren't evil or they aren't necessary.
Every relationship is open in a way, we can’t naturally shut ourselves off to what we are attracted to
The problem here is the label.

To me a side pc is just that, a side pc.

Don't matter if the relationship is opened or closed or whatever.

Unless that 3rd person lives with yall, they a side
stop tryna be deep, this don't even make sense

No matter how much u love Goldie

It doesn’t stop you from finding other men attractive

It’s doesnt stop the feeling u get when a Man U find attractive flirts with u

That’s not to say u act on it, but it doesn’t stop those feelings

If relationships where closed in the way u want, u could not feel anything for anyone other than who ur with..which is just not possible

So on some level at some point, he is sharing u with someone mentally, emotionally, or spiritually

Feeling sad, u listen to the music of a man, that man who is making that music is now sharing you emotionally and spiritually with Goldie
Idk but when I do take that step with someone he gotta be for me and only me.
I don’t share.
I mean there’s to many choices out there to be sharing and I’ve settled in my past and won’t do it now.

Damn am I old fashion?
That shit just don’t sit right with me knowing my man doesn’t care if some other guy is deep in my guts with it...
