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NBA Offseason thread

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Bruh..my dude (respectfully) I understand how the CBA works..at one point rookies were getting paid more than vets...chris Paul along with others got the max and super max money to be put into affect.

I clearly understand.. for the sake of the discussions..if owners were upset about this..there's nothing they can do about it now per this CBA..

But if they deemed it to be an issue I'm sure it's something they would be able to attempt to change during the next CBA.

Yes..players have power still at the end of the day..they dont sign their own checks...so I feel owners still have the upper hand.

My overall point with our discussion is what are the owners really going to do? People making a decision to find a new job once their contract is done is a legal act in any profession, including pro sports. Lol.

The owners might try and negotiate with the players rep and league office, different ways for the teams losing their players via free agency to get some type of compensation but the other owners and the players have to sign off on that. Franchise tag isn't a great idea with how much players in the NBA get paid. Team owners who benefits from free agency aren't gonna shoot themselves in the foot and most owners aren't gonna like the franchise tag idea because even more solid but not star players will get huge 1 or 2 year deals.

Players aren't gonna want to chance their ability to move around also. So what are some ideas you think or seen online that might work?

I understand some fans are upset players aren't as trusting in front offices like they used to be. Believe me I understand a whole lot why some fans are frustrated, but you can't force players to stay with a team once their deal is done and it's gonna be harder than you think (and not smart financially for players and owners) to change free agency.
this current league with multiple duos better than that big 3 team stacking bs I hope it stays this way

One of the stars games always gets compromised(curry,love,bosh)

Curry with durant wasn’t mvp curry as soon as durant got injured curry starts killing again
Great take. Love you bro.

I understand where you coming from, no doubt. My only point was as much as the CBA has changed over the years and the players have done a great job getting their freedom...at the end of the day if the owners wanted to put their foot in the sand and get more control..I'm sure they could ...cause they still have more of the power.

I really dont have any ideas against or for...I dont like the super team team ups... It did worked in favor of us the fans this time around cause we got more of a vary coming in terms of more competitive teams..

But I'm just saying dont be surprised if more rumblings increase to put a stop to it..somehow by owners, gms etc...its still about power n control...a business.
The only thing the league needs to look at changing is starting games an hour early. Have the east coast games start at 7 and west coast at 9:30. If not ratings are gonna keep slipping.

Other than that, the league is making record profit. Player movement or not, the bottom line is how much money is being generated, and players making moves means the NBA never gets boring.

The warriors run started getting stale the last 2 years and casual fans stopped tuning in. Then you got a crazy offseason with mad movements and this upcoming season is one of the most anticipated ever.

So some owners might complain about movement but as long as the profit keeps growing aint shit gonna change.
All true..but they also want to shorten the season and have a midseason tournament to keep the intertest going while the NFL is going on...
Cant lie Westbrooks career looking more and more like AIs

Went to the Finals once and lost
Got all the individual awards and accolades
Game depends on athleticism mostly
Spent a decade with his first team
Teams starts rebuilding and gets traded

Now Russ just has to have two or three decent years with his next team like AI in Denver, then bounce to a couple other teams, refuse to change his game or accept a lesser role, and call it a career
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