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Nas takes to Instagram to write open letter to ex wife Kelis over child custody

Here is the entire narrative by Nas
The Price i Pay to See My Son. And apologies in advance for the typos as I am speaking from the heart as a man who has had enough.
Today i got a call from essence about my ex-wife doing another sad fictitious story. Nothing surprises me anymore, including this.
This is what your life has come to sis?
Exploiting some people’s Real struggle and pain...just to get at me....to get attention? Fame? Another fight against men? We are a human family and we should be better examples for our son. Why is there even an issue for me to have time with my son. A son needs his father. So many absentee fathers out here and here i am being attacked by your accusations simply because i got us in court to help fix this the custody matter?
Why did i have to take you to court to see our son? Why when i win the joint custody (which is a win for both of us and our son, it helps us with both our schedules) why do you feel that’s an attack on you? Is it control? Why do you need to have control over my life? because we’re not together? Then why? Is this being rewarded and praised by people who are being taken advantage of by you and your lies?
To all separated couples out there who are cordial and co parent nicely GOOD FOR YOU. I wish that was me. I’m the most chill cool parent there is. Who has time to argue? About what? It’s about our little guy. You haven’t had to deal with what I’ve been dealing with. Trust me.
I’m a mild mannered god fearing very fair human being who tries his hardest to please everyone. It’s my nature.
I’ve seen this too many times before
And there was times i thought Kelis my ex-wife was not this type. This is the type of antics that deceive people and people mistakenly call it strong. Seems I always had more belief in you than you do for yourself. I instilled strength in my daughter who you were already so jealous of and treated poorly. Being jealous & verbally abusive to a Little girl.

In life you have to work hard to be successful, not try to tear someone down for that’s the most coward way. Women are the essence of life. I cherish them. My strength is given to me from my mother. I am everything she taught me to be. I was raised in a single home by a single woman. I am a very proud black man.
I shouldn’t have ignored the signs from your first song and video I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. But I thought you was beautiful. You came into my life at a time i was grieving from my mom’s passing. You were a friend. Because of that i wanted to marry you. And i did. And we had a big lavish wedding. Overall there was too many good times. I have to say i wasn’t the most faithful husband. I was immature. I’m sorry about that. But you bumped your own head sis.
Why do i have to live thru a constant divorce? It didn’t work out. Life goes on. I’m not coming back to you. Your married and I’m happy for you and I’m an extremely happy black brother out here trying to make a difference for my kids and the next generation of young people who see me as huge inspiration in music, art, business, education and so on.
After 10 years of keeping my silence during a decade of dealing with very hostile behavior and verbal abuse and even your stepfather holding you back from one of your physical violent Attacks on me right outside your house THIS YEAR while trying to pick up our son while he watched from the window, it was my weekend and you denied me that because your parents were in town. I just went home. This has been my life for my son’s entire life. Even our son wonders why you treat me the way you do?

There’s some seriously crazy things i won’t i disclose for our son’s sake.
Because you keep my son from me I’ve been going thru lawyers to stop you from this bullshit I’m tired of it. I’m tired of you painting a bad picture of me. I’ve been tired of it but you never seem to get tired.
I even had to be in a relationship with you AGAIN after we separated just so i could see my son & I AM JUST TIRED.
Back then you asked me why didn’t i stop the divorce from happening. I tried! We are too different. Some things aren’t meant to be. We were meant to be so that we could have our son. Nothing more. You didn’t like that. I prayed for your peace of mind for years because of your uneasy soul. I still do. I guess some things take time. You definitely don’t know me now and probably never knew me. You make up this image of me that’s not true but it’s funny because it’s really you describing yourself. You made up stories about me and claimed i did things that YOU DID.

I hate all this, but you were a very jealous wife, and i had to deal with that and that’s the worst feeling. How much heat i had to take from producers, writers, music attorneys and record execs etc. who felt your mean spirited wrath and dropped you from labels, from star track to them all. I stopped talking to jungle & Steve Stoute because of you & almost lost Anthony because of you.

You used to turn my phone off so my professionals couldn’t reach me and take the battery. You insulted any and every one whoever was around me. Not a single person in my life loved or could even stand you. Luckily for you our assistants all signed NDA’s or you would have a list of men and women who would happily talk about how verbally abusive and evil you are. Your self-saboteur ways have caused you your grief you’re dealing with. Not me. The altercations you speak of are no more different from what most normal couples go thru, but your exaggerated version is UNJUST. Whenever one is constantly attacked the instinct is to restrain that person or defend yourself to prevent escalation. In hindsight now my advice to young men out there in a situation like that is to RUN at the very first sign of verbal abuse or physical. I heard you said terrible things about me. It makes me feel sad how heartless you can be. You play with strong women’s struggles like they mean nothing. You’re taking advantage of a moment in time where women who are fighting for their lives to get justice and be treated fairly & you just looked at it as an opportunity to get ahead. Like abuse is a game? Like tearing down your son’s father is a game. You have a son! Why are you still competing with me by telling him bad things about me? Guess what sis, he has eyes and ears and smart as ever. i don’t have to say anything. I think he knows what’s really good. You will NOT stop me from fighting for my son. You tell him GOD doesn’t love his dad because his dad doesn’t go to church.

Didn’t want to bring up money but since that’s the fuel behind all of this Let me say that I gave you the tools to be successful after you was dropped from your label. I paid for your cooking school cordon blue.
The expensive yellow stove we had flown in from Europe. I helped pay for the remodeling of your house. Your assistant stole thousands from my cc according to Amex. Out of all people you should be completely understanding of my grind. But you just can’t win with you. My schedule is CRAZY but you never help me see my son. I’m hardly allowed to talk to him on the phone. Ever.
My lawyer told me bring the cops to your house and show my court orders when you don’t let me get him or answer your phone but who besides you want to show their kids that his parents are that out of control? I’ve been going thru lawyers to stop you from this bullshit for years. I finally got our custody together to work with both our schedule thru court, while leaving court you tell me you’re going to get me back for fighting to see my son and 3 weeks later you’re on camera doing an interview about “your truth”. Interesting timing. Do what you want just don’t violate another court order sis because the judge won’t like that at all. The judge already ordered you to pay my legal fees because he was tired of you wasting everyone’s time in court. No lawyer wants to represent you after what you put them thru. That’s why you texted me today asking me for more child support money-and you want to keep it out court. You will NOT stop me from fighting for my son. Remember GOD sees all. And I’m no longer allowing you to take advantage of the fact that I did not want to respond in a manner that could affect my kids, friends or family publicly. THAT ENDS TODAY.

Everything with her is a plot and a scheme. Has no merit. No foundation
I didn’t Want to speak up because i have real respect for our women. And definitely my son. I do not beat women. I did not beat up my ex-wife. Stop. You got beat up in court. How much money do you want? Do you want me to relinquish my rights to see my son is that what you want? Just tell me. After all the tweets and posts you made thru the years disrespecting me and my family I still have love for you as the mother of my child BUT I am done with this. This game ends now and GOD will be the judger of all this. And although you tell everyone GOD hates me (some Christian you are) I will survive and thrive from this moment because I know who I am & you have not a clue who you are.

And to all the fans that knew my silence was due to the fact that I don’t openly do this kind of petty shit... I appreciate you riding. And to those that were lead down a wrong path... I get it... very sensitive times and all things must be taken seriously. This is MY TRUTH. And I don’t care what else she has left to say unless it concerns our son. This is the first and last time I’m addressing this. Despite all of this I still hope for the best for her because what’s best for her is what’s best for Knight.
I didn't make up my mind about nas being a bad guy or a wife beater....I made up my mind that they had a toxic relationship that they both contributed to. So to hear one side say "nah they lying" just don't sound like an interesting read to me. I'll get to reading the whole thing sooner or later, but atm....ehhh....not here for anybody sounding like they're above anything that went on.

I gotta cut you.

Only way to right this wrong.
"Kelis said her milkshake bring all the boys to the yard
Then Nas went and tattoed the bitch on his arm."

Parental alienation is real and should be handled much more seriously than it it. You go througg all that bullshit in court, get your parenting times rights in an official judge signed order, and a spiteful bitch can just be like "nope". Nobody will do shit either, the cops will say its a civil issue and tell you take that shit to the judge.

You do that and the judge doesnt do anything but wag a finger. Rinse repeat. Shits fucked up. I hope she cuts the bullshit for the kids sake. This can ruin a parent child relationship in the long run.
I stopped reading like 3 lines in when he said Kelis is telling another "sad, fictitious story"....I don't have a dog in the dog in this fight but I saw parts of the Kelis interview where she talked about the domestic issues in their relationship. She wasn't speaking as a victim, she wasn't speaking as somebody tryna tear him down and she took responsibility for her part in the dysfunction. She was sharing something she went through. And it all sounded believable.

Of course I wasn't there so idk the full story...but to see bruh instantly going into "she's lying on me" mode is not something I'm interested in and I honestly expected better from nas.

Oh and takeover better than ether.
Wow, I read the whole thing.
I kept thinking it was over because at the end of the page he would bring closure, but there was aways another page.
That was pretty interesting. I think a lot of people go through this situation and it helps for young adults (not his children) and grown folks to see another side of what fathers who want to be and are trying to be and can afford to be and should be in their children's lives do. We are already familiar with the deadbeat rolling stone pops, now it's good to see the thoughtful caring man express himself and his struggles as Nas eloquently has done through his whole career.
No offense taken....I knew my post would be seen as I'm riding with Kelis just because she's a woman. But I promise yall this ain't that. Off topic but on topic...I just got off jury duty last week for a DV case where the DA pressed charges on a dude against his ex gf for battery. By the letter of the law, dude was guilty. I was one of the only 2 people holding out for dude to be not guilty...so I'm not a woman that automatically sides with women.

Back on topic...We as outsiders all knew their relationship was fucked up. If Kelis is confirming that the shit was fucked up and that it wasn't one sided....why would I be impressed with nas saying she lying? So was their relationship perfect on some cosby show shit? Like I said in the last post, I'll get to reading the full post later...but yea I got annoyed at "she lying" and didn't feel like reading further. I'd be saying the same thing if this was Kelis and the roles were reversed.

The problem is you can't claim to be fair when you gave her the benefit of listening to her side but dismissed his. He didn't just say she was lying wholesale and leave it at that. He admitted that he put his hands on her when things got physical when he should have walked away. He admitted he was unfaithful. He admitted he wasn't the best husband. He is simply saying that she is exaggerating and misrepresenting things to make him look bad, and even in that he let it go for a long time. He didn't write that message to call her a liar as you're implying. He wrote it to clear things up and make it clear that he would not stop fighting for his son.
That shit was hard to read....I mean, I knew there was much more to it, but I think they both did each other foul as fuck. Seems as though after the divorce, he wanted to be free, and she she was salty as fuck.

Another lesson to learn from the church of MGTOW.
That shit was hard to read....I mean, I knew there was much more to it, but I think they both did each other foul as fuck. Seems as though after the divorce, he wanted to be free, and she she was salty as fuck.

Another lesson to learn from the church of MGTOW.

This ain't got nothing to do with MGTOW. Nas just made bad decisions. Imagine thinking the proper response to making mistakes in an endeavor is just to give up the endeavor.
Nigga you saw that lil dance she did in the milkshake video?!

I wouldn't have stayed away either. Now marry her and get her pregnant is something totally different.

They filmed that at my local brunch spot. I was pissed that day when I went there and it was shut down for a film shoot. I had no idea the GOAT was in there. Shout out to old school Williamsburg before it became a hipster shithole.
This proves that apologizing should never be about a person forgiving you but for you to gain some closure and peace about the situation

You said you were sorry. If your are truly remorseful, and it will show through your actions, then that's all that matters, but apologizing then getting beat over the head constantly for the things you've apologized for is fucking wack. Fuck that
The problem is you can't claim to be fair when you gave her the benefit of listening to her side but dismissed his. He didn't just say she was lying wholesale and leave it at that. He admitted that he put his hands on her when things got physical when he should have walked away. He admitted he was unfaithful. He admitted he wasn't the best husband. He is simply saying that she is exaggerating and misrepresenting things to make him look bad, and even in that he let it go for a long time. He didn't write that message to call her a liar as you're implying. He wrote it to clear things up and make it clear that he would not stop fighting for his son.
The nigga wrote a manifesto breh...I put together that his aim was to clear things up that he felt she was wrong about. That's what happens when you say someone is lying and keep talking lol.
Even tho I saw a few clips of the Kelis interview, I came away with they had a toxic relationship and were shitty to each other and left it at that. The nitty gritty details never interested me cuz that's not my business and I'd have no way to verify them anyway. So nas wanting us to know what nitty gritty details were wrong or misrepresented...doesn't interest me.

Like I said before, I'll get to reading nas side. But I wasn't and still am not interested in doing a deep dive into what degree of abuse or bad behavior was there. "She said I hit her on Thursday at 4pm, but it was really Tuesday at 9am"...like nigga idc. Abuse occurred on both ends. That's all I need to know.
The nigga wrote a manifesto breh...I put together that his aim was to clear things up that he felt she was wrong about. That's what happens when you say someone is lying and keep talking lol.
Even tho I saw a few clips of the Kelis interview, I came away with they had a toxic relationship and were shitty to each other and left it at that. The nitty gritty details never interested me cuz that's not my business and I'd have no way to verify them anyway. So nas wanting us to know what nitty gritty details were wrong or misrepresented...doesn't interest me.

Like I said before, I'll get to reading nas side. But I wasn't and still am not interested in doing a deep dive into what degree of abuse or bad behavior was there. "She said I hit her on Thursday at 4pm, but it was really Tuesday at 9am"...like nigga idc. Abuse occurred on both ends. That's all I need to know.

Fair enough. If you're similarly disinterested in both sides, it's all good. It just seemed like you didn't give Nas a fair shot.