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Breaking News Multiple deaths at Travis Scott Astroworld Concert

and your point? fan culture whether it is a religious deity or celeb is toxic

So being a fan of an artist is toxic now? As tragic as these events are and RIP to the dead. People died in a concert, bc they were trampled. That's what actually happened. All this devil worshipping, illuminati, toxic celeb talk is getting outta hand. People were trampled at a concert, that's the situation. I think people are making more of this than needed
So being a fan of an artist is toxic now? As tragic as these events are and RIP to the dead. People died in a concert, bc they were trampled. That's what actually happened. All this devil worshipping, illuminati, toxic celeb talk is getting outta hand. People were trampled at a concert, that's the situation. I think people are making more of this than needed

nobody is talking about the illuminati 😐
and celeb culture is toxic. its the very culture that aided in the death of 8 people. people chose profits over human life.
Btw. Travis and any performer is not solely or even mostly responsible for what happens in the crowd while they onstage. There are people that are hired n THAT is their job. People acting like Travis actually saw people dying and said "fuck them" and performed "sicko mode"
Btw. Travis and any performer is not solely or even mostly responsible for what happens in the crowd while they onstage. There are people that are hired n THAT is their job. People acting like Travis actually saw people dying and said "fuck them" and performed "sicko mode"

blah blah blah hes liable and will be held accountable.

create a gofundme for him. hes going to need it
nobody is talking about the illuminati 😐
and celeb culture is toxic. its the very culture that aided in the death of 8 people. people chose profits over human life.

I'm not just talking about your post. I seen a few things online trying to connect this to illuminati n devil worship. Idk if celeb culture is toxic. I would say there are people who are extremist w they Fandom. But u can find that in almost anything. I'm a fan of plenty artists n wouldn't call being fan of a rapper or an athlete "toxic"
Imagine laying on the ground dying and the last thing you hear is Travis Scott's music

Bro 9 ppl are dead
You're acting like i dismissed the whole concert incident. Him going "holy shit, holy fucking shit!", then not dropping any ground breaking news was just to get twitter clicks. This wasnt a secret. You can look around at these venues and tell who had security training and whos just a body.
A perfect example is if you watch UFC, a lot of the times, the "security" that escorts the fighter out of the tunnel at these casinos, are literally grandparents in security jackets lol
well its clear things needs to change.
poor security = death
This aspect of the situation wont change, because capitalism. They hire randoms to just look at tickets or w/e shit they deem unimportant, to save money. I'm willing to bet they dont even call them security to get around some sorta liability, but they make them look like security so people will assume they are and wont try shit.
Its like that twitter thread you posted with that lady talking about that beverage company she works in. They purposely run a skeleton crew and most of the time they get away with it, but the sec 1 part fails, the whole thing starts a domino effect.
I'd have faith they'd change it if this was a European country, but most the people over here too selfish to let change happen unless it personally affects them. Perfect example is min wage or our school systems.
Only hope is they get a fair judge that hurts their pockets, thats the only way they seem to learn in this country.
Btw. Travis and any performer is not solely or even mostly responsible for what happens in the crowd while they onstage. There are people that are hired n THAT is their job. People acting like Travis actually saw people dying and said "fuck them" and performed "sicko mode"
Isnt it different since he wasnt just hired to perform there, it was actually his festival him and his team threw. Its gunna fall on his company or whomever that was in charge.
You ve yet to state an adequate reason as to why he is responsible for 9 people dying.

ive stated it all throughout this thread and like i said before,

im no longer debating with ppl who think travis shouldnt be blamed or believe he didnt know the severity of the situation

maybe it will click for you in the coming days on why hes not only to blame but should be sued into bankruptcy because of his repeated acts of negligence
