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Mom of Girl Kidnapped 20 Years Ago Says She Wishes Cops Never Found Her


nigga that mothers life was shattered when she had her baby stolen!

The mother lost a daughter. The daughter has lost everything. Do you really not see the difference? For goodness sake, after 20 years the loss of her child still wore on the mother. If you and her can understand how hard that loss was, how can you turn around and expect the daughter to instantly recover form having everyone taken from her? lol That makes no sense. The mother better than anyone, should understand how hard it is for the daughter. I'm not saying she shouldn't be upset or be having a hard time, but to take it out on the daughter? That's crazy.
You don't have to be in every situation to be able to tell right and wrong. That's just a cop out. I said the woman is being selfish, and that is objectively true by the definition of the word. There may be more to this than I know, but going by what we've seen in this topic, what else can you conclude? Again, the daughter has had the only mother she's ever known taken away from her. She's been stripped of the family and friends that have been with her her whole life. She's found out that one of the most fundamental relationships in her life is a complete lie. And it's not like this is a five year old who hasn't even been on earth that long and can probably adapt to the change. This is basically a chick that has reached adulthood and spent all of her formative years in a certain situation. I don't care how wronged the mother feels. It's ridiculous for her to just expect her daughter to throw all that away and instantly form a familial bond with a stranger. That makes no sense.

You say yourself that they both need help and they need time, so you yourself understand that it is wrong to expect this transition to be instant. So how can you turn around and say that I'm wrong for suggesting that the mother is not in the right to try to force the issue? How am I wrong for saying the mother is not in the right to blame her daughter for the effects that this is having on the other kids? That's crazy.

so the daughters life was a lie but shes ok with still keeping that lie because its her reality. and this stranger says but what about me....i AM your life.
the daughter is like nah not really.
yes, they both need help. but the mothers anger is warranted,.

i get who yall think it should be but until you in it...you cant say what would be right.

the mother has a right to want that. she was robbed of that. hell......logic has no place right now.
you speaking about logic.
most of yall are speaking from logic.

now can you logically think when emotion overrules everything because your reality was changed in an instant??
The mother lost a daughter. The daughter has lost everything. Do you really not see the difference? For goodness sake, after 20 years the loss of her child still wore on the mother. If you and her can understand how hard that loss was, how can you turn around and expect the daughter to instantly recover form having everyone taken from her? lol That makes no sense. The mother better than anyone, should understand how hard it is for the daughter. I'm not saying she shouldn't be upset or be having a hard time, but to take it out on the daughter? That's crazy.
like i just stated above.....

you speaking from the outside with logic.....
but what can you tell a mother about her child?
so the daughters life was a lie but shes ok with still keeping that lie because its her reality. and this stranger says but what about me....i AM your life.
the daughter is like nah not really.
yes, they both need help. but the mothers anger is warranted,.

i get who yall think it should be but until you in it...you cant say what would be right.

the mother has a right to want that. she was robbed of that. hell......logic has no place right now.
you speaking about logic.
most of yall are speaking from logic.

now can you logically think when emotion overrules everything because your reality was changed in an instant??

No one is saying that the daughter should go the rest of her life accepting the lie. What I'm saying is that she can't be expected to completely abandon relationships that's she developed over the course of 2 decades in 2 weeks, 2 months, or even 2 years just because the mother wants it to be that way.

You're conflating issues. No one in this topic is saying that the mother's anger isn't warranted. It absolutely is, but all that anger should be directed at Williams. None of it should be directed at the daughter. The daughter is basically the biggest victim in the story, so how can you cosign the mother taking any part of her anger or frustration out on her?

And yes, we are speaking from logic, but just because you're emotional about something doesn't mean you can't do the wrong thing. If someone kills your mother, and you hunt them down and kill them, you're likely going to jail. You'll get a lesser charge and shorter sentence than most murderers because everyone would acknowledge your mental state, but you'll still be punished because you're still in the wrong. The same is true here. The mother is wrong to believe that her daughter should or could abandon everything she's ever known instantly. She's also wrong to let any of her frustration and anger be directed towards the daughter.

like i just stated above.....

you speaking from the outside with logic.....
but what can you tell a mother about her child?

I can tell the mother that if she actually loves that child, she needs to give that child the time adjust and not try to force the issue and then browbeat the child when things don't go as desired. That's not something a good mother would do to her child. Again, I've never been in the mother's position, but every parent learns that sometimes you have to put what you want to the side for the benefit of the child.
No one is saying that the daughter should go the rest of her life accepting the lie. What I'm saying is that she can't be expected to completely abandon relationships that's she developed over the course of 2 decades in 2 weeks, 2 months, or even 2 years just because the mother wants it to be that way.

You're conflating issues. No one in this topic is saying that the mother's anger isn't warranted. It absolutely is, but all that anger should be directed at Williams. None of it should be directed at the daughter. The daughter is basically the biggest victim in the story, so how can you cosign the mother taking any part of her anger or frustration out on her?

And yes, we are speaking from logic, but just because you're emotional about something doesn't mean you can't do the wrong thing. If someone kills your mother, and you hunt them down and kill them, you're likely going to jail. You'll get a lesser charge and shorter sentence than most murderers because everyone would acknowledge your mental state, but you'll still be punished because you're still in the wrong. The same is true here. The mother is wrong to believe that her daughter should or could abandon everything she's ever known instantly. She's also wrong to let any of her frustration and anger be directed towards the daughter.

I can tell the mother that if she actually loves that child, she needs to give that child the time adjust and not try to force the issue and then browbeat the child when things don't go as desired. That's not something a good mother would do to her child. Again, I've never been in the mother's position, but every parent learns that sometimes you have to put what you want to the side for the benefit of the child.
ok....i can agree with the first part....
but the second...nah

good mother?
whats a good mother in this case? how can good mother even come up?

you say you been in the mothers position? how? just getting to see your child that you knew about and had time to plan out how to do what?

just curious
this woman had her child stolen from her.


and when she finally see her child....you think shes trying to lose her again?
her actions right now sounds like a defense mechanism that defending the wrong thing out of fear of losing her agian.

and with the daughter not allowing things because she has her own feelings about everything....

to the mother that has to be trying to squeeze lemonade from a rock with one hand.

yall saying take your time.....the mother doesnt know how much time she has...so with all the anger, feelings of rejection and fear, time is now causing her to go overboard....
ok....i can agree with the first part....
but the second...nah

good mother?
whats a good mother in this case? how can good mother even come up?

you say you been in the mothers position? how? just getting to see your child that you knew about and had time to plan out how to do what?

just curious

A good mother or father for that matter is one who puts the welfare of the child over his or her own desires. The mother is not doing that. The mother is directing anger towards the child because the child isn't acknowledging her properly. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're really only seeing it from one side. Try looking at it from the other side. You love your mother right? What if some chick you didn't know had your mother put in jail and revealed that she was your true mother. What if that lady then took you from everybody you knew and tried to force you into a family of strangers? Would you just forget about the woman that raised you because she lied? Would you instantly bond with all these new people that were thrust upon you? Would you immediately see new woman as your real mother and transfer all the love you had for the woman that raised you to this new person? Say you didn't do any of that, how would you then respond to the new woman bashing you for not treating her the way she wants to be treated? Be real.

And I said, I've never been in the mother's position.
A good mother or father for that matter is one who puts the welfare of the child over his or her own desires. The mother is not doing that. The mother is directing anger towards the child because the child isn't acknowledging her properly. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're really only seeing it from one side. Try looking at it from the other side. You love your mother right? What if some chick you didn't know had your mother put in jail and revealed that she was your true mother. What if that lady then took you from everybody you knew and tried to force you into a family of strangers? Would you just forget about the woman that raised you because she lied? Would you instantly bond with all these new people that were thrust upon you? Would you immediately see new woman as your real mother and transfer all the love you had for the woman that raised you to this new person? Say you didn't do any of that, how would you then respond to the new woman bashing you for not treating her the way she wants to be treated? Be real.

And I said, I've never been in the mother's position.
ok...i read that part wrong....my fault.

but what is a good mother? if you didnt have the chance to be a good mother to that child?

and while i understand all your questions....the bottom line is.....after it all...the mother still feels slapped in the face and kicked in the gut and cant deal with this rationally.
i see what you saying from the childs point of view. she being asked to pick against the side who raised her..
i can kinda see a relation to this on a global scale.

black people stolen from africa, given american privilege and becoming apart of american culture..we lost all we were taken from. how can i go back to africa and just fall in line.

but thats just how my fucked up mind thinks
ok...i read that part wrong....my fault.

but what is a good mother? if you didnt have the chance to be a good mother to that child?

and while i understand all your questions....the bottom line is.....after it all...the mother still feels slapped in the face and kicked in the gut and cant deal with this rationally.
i see what you saying from the childs point of view. she being asked to pick against the side who raised her..

She has the chance to be a good mother now, and she's choosing to basically attack her daughter at this point. And once again, we all understand that the mother has strong feelings and has a right to have strong feelings. That doesn't excuse her actions. It's a tough situation and the mother not knowing how to handle it is completely understandable, but if she wants it to get better she has to see the wrong in her ways.
She has the chance to be a good mother now, and she's choosing to basically attack her daughter at this point. And once again, we all understand that the mother has strong feelings and has a right to have strong feelings. That doesn't excuse her actions. It's a tough situation and the mother not knowing how to handle it is completely understandable, but if she wants it to get better she has to see the wrong in her ways.
which i am sure she will. eventually.

its going to take a looooooong time.
so right now we cant say shes not a good mother...shes a hurt and very damaged mother who cant see or hear shit nobody gotta say and the fact her child dont see her as her mother......i say since she didnt physically hurt someone or turn into an addict....shit, she doing good.
That's how the kidmapper got caught. The daughter needed her documents so she could apply for financial aide. The ones the fake mom gave her were falsified.
That's crazy, all three phases of school before college just didn't give enough of a shit to verify her info.
so this lady had to keep lying for 2 decades plus....did she tell the girl her dad left? was he dead?

i think it will hit her one day and she will become very angry with that whole family.

i believe shes suppressing things right now.
but how is she supposed to feel?

honestly....i have to agree to the bio mom...id be angry as hell.
how you love them criminals?
how you love the people who snatched you....kidnapped you?

ehhhh... I get where you're going, but this has to be looked at differently. She loves "them criminals" because they raised her from birth. It's kinda like finding out you were adopted at 19 then meeting your birth parents shortly after. You don't instantly have love for those people, it takes time to develop that if at all.
and why isnt the lady who stole her saying she should try to be with her real mom?

in some ways.....that lady needs to push her away...she did enough damage and is still doing it.
and why isnt the lady who stole her saying she should try to be with her real mom?

in some ways.....that lady needs to push her away...she did enough damage and is still doing it.

because she's selfish. That's what landed her in prison in the first place: her self-centered selfishness is what prompted her to kidnap that baby in the first place. She gave zero fucks about the family she destroyed, all that mattered to her was "I lost my baby", so she took someone else's.
but how is she supposed to feel?

honestly....i have to agree to the bio mom...id be angry as hell.
how you love them criminals?
how you love the people who snatched you....kidnapped you?
imagine you found out as a teenager that the parents you know and love actually had no relation to you, they kidnapped you as a newborn. I'd imagine it's like finding out you were adopted with a twisted back story. doesn't take away that damn near 20 years of what you understood to be your family. loving them and not condoning their actions can go hand in hand.
because she's selfish. That's what landed her in prison in the first place: her self-centered selfishness is what prompted her to kidnap that baby in the first place. She gave zero fucks about the family she destroyed, all that mattered to her was "I lost my baby", so she took someone else's.
but aint it interesting that the real mother is being called selfish in this same thread