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MeTooBoys - Female-on-Male Rape Culture

"Racism" .

No expendable coloured lives, an insight on Lord's troubled youth, Reagan being an asshole, the homeless black guy being not a Magical Negro to save them cheetah hoe, the world basically saved by a Hispanic kid on harm's way and these wokes are talking about racism??? Tchuiiip.

Where was that energy when Disney made of Reylo a thing in the latest Star Wars films? Nigga Force-violated his own cousin's mind while creeping and breathing on her like a thirsty rapist, and they latter make out for the next two episodes and trashed her POC love interests the black Jedi and Luke's secret brown son away. Biased MOF--...
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Unless he got, umm... "entered", this is non news. Pussy, weed and good conversation is the holy trinity for any warm blooded civilized sexually functional adult. At worst he took one for the team, at best he has higher standards and immediately regrets it but can't find closure. After all the shit we survived this past year, we should embrace our humanity and physical needs... and fuck like rabbits every chance we get.
Unless he got, umm... "entered", this is non news. Pussy, weed and good conversation is the holy trinity for any warm blooded civilized sexually functional adult. At worst he took one for the team, at best he has higher standards and immediately regrets it but can't find closure. After all the shit we survived this past year, we should embrace our humanity and physical needs... and fuck like rabbits every chance we get.

Or the case get coerced into sex.

In the latter case, he's trolling but in other cases not.

I don't remember having heard Cardi ever confess she did have an sexual intercourse with these men while being drugged and robbed out, but the mere fact that so many women views this as empowering even when hints of multiple rapes on her victims has been pushed forward, is a telltale cue about how messed up double standards in rape culture are.

Even if she haven't molested these men, let's be honest: if ever we were hearing about a black male artist drugging and pickpocketing women, he would already been in jail a long time ago not singing about W.O.P.s and not knowing how to cook or clean. ?

Black America's nuclear family is crumbling down and we can tell it even from afar as Canada. The judicial system and social moral compass in U.S.A. are grown ever so twisted that their nation went to a point that even anti-black woman racism still benefits - as well as been plagued by - gender-biased preferential treatments and judicial patronization. This shit should have sent a black man to life penalty if ever done at least half of them.
Niggas think everything is rape smh

If you bang your girlfriend while she's asleep, isn't this rape? If you're banging her while she's been either too drunk or drugged, isn't this may bordering into unconsented sex? If you're forcing or coaxing her into sex, isn't this unconsented sex too?? And if you're using morals or religion as an excuse for witholding sex and emotionally blackmailing her into a loophole of sexual frustration so that she will have sex but under the condition she's been marrying you, isn't this statuory rape and emotional/sexual blackmailing??

You already know the answer. Then why it should be different when the prepertators are not men then the victims not women?

Perhaps your issue about this topic is not about the so-called exxageration of this, but about the well-known fact that so many men has been long indoctrinated by our fathers, mothers and authoritative figures about never being actually the victims of the narrative, that "boys might be boys" or we're otherwise less manly. Call out a woman for force-sucking your dick at 9 years old and you gonna find more people calling him a poor sissy and a creepy virgin than people trying to reach on him.
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She looks way too much like James Franco and said "woke" one too many times for me to take her seriously.

Somehow yea she does actually looks like James Franco lol. But she's worth listening.

She made a lot of enemies around spewing real talk against every movement, their respective solipistic groupthinks and bully cultures.
And by enemies, I mean A LOT (petitional death threats, doxxing, her whole entourage followed by creeps at their home adress, the address of the kindergarten where sojours her baby daughter, people breaking and entering at her home twice, etcetera) .
So if someone tells u they're interested in sex, invite u to meet up, u agree, y'all eventually have sex, the other person can later say they felt coerced/shamed into the act?

The story dumb af unless I missed something.