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Mental health check!

Didn't know where to put this..

I took a suicide prevention training last month at my job..

Talk to your friends and family. Even if they don't respond right away, you at least cared enough to reach out. Many people are suffering, And they're lacking the confidence to let people know that they're not okay
I’d say mines fluctuates because life just does what life does. Seeing both my parents struggle with cancer at one point, definitely did not do well for me in the short term, but it gave me a lot of insight to life and how much I can find comfort in those moments where I’m not down and dealing with bullshit. We can all get more money, clothes, women, toys but as of right now I’m at a good place. Getting right with GOD will always be top priority but in the end, may yall people be great.

Didn't know where to put this..

I took a suicide prevention training last month at my job..

Talk to your friends and family. Even if they don't respond right away, you at least cared enough to reach out. Many people are suffering, And they're lacking the confidence to let people know that they're not okay

I want to kind of wake up this whole thing. As someone that’s been depressed before, as someone that wanted to commit that trip before, I don’t think many people actually want to stop living, you just want the pain to go away. In certain instances, I think when it comes down to this subject, it’s very hard to have an objective discussion about it. Simply because then you would have to make the idea of suicide, sound like it’s something that should be done.

Meaning, if I’m living the life that I’m living and dealing with the problems that life can bring, who is to say that I’m even strong enough to get through it? For example, let’s say I’m a man that’s too short, and every woman I run into does not respect me for my height and the men don’t either, there’s a great chance that I can wake up one day and say I should stop living because circumstances are showing me that I’m not worthy of being loved or alive.

I’ve had parts where I said I can’t live on this planet anymore because the pain of loss is so bad and so great, that it makes no sense to keep trying to live. It felt like my life would be nothing more but this reality where I wake up, deal with the depression of life, and go back to sleep. The whole looney tunes thing where you’d see someone with a rain cloud over them felt legit and real to me. so I feel for people who are going through this.
My mental health is improved to the point where I don't have fear in making a big decision
I used to get down on myself heavy, when things didn’t go my way.

Often, I was a wreck, when I got curved by women, or accomplishments didn’t quite happen the way I wanted. As the years went by, I started to not care so much about it.

Let me tell you something- when you nearly become homeless, lose your car, family distances themselves from you.. I wouldn’t cast stones on you when you react with a high degree of emotion. As a man (especially one with autism recently discovered), I had to learn how to re-direct myself in a more logical manner. It has helped.

2019 I really started listening to empowering broadcast, and not so much riff raff. What started as a simple trip on the new freeway turned into a trip to the east valley of Arizona. Apache Junction is BEAUTIFUL, but far as hell lol.

Abw is the place that I’ve shared more info about my son than in real life, because you all have shown love and support for my boy, love and support my family I wish would.

I’ve be open with my autism, and I’m accepted on here. I love that, because people I associate with in real life, don’t really rock with me now since they know that I am autistic, as is my son.

You know what though? I do not let it bother me. I have more purpose, I go to the gym with my brother, I write poetry ( a similar subject the last 18 times I put pen to paper), laugh my ass off on abw posts, and read. I got more going on, then others that have a car (coming soon).

Here’s another one- my former tax guy said in no uncertain terms that I wasn’t shit because I was not advancing fast enough in my life. I’m in my mid 30’s and I was in tears on the entirety of my car ride home.

At the end of the day- I had to pick myself up. I still don’t have a car; it was re-poed two days before my birthday. I was days away from being homeless, that experience will never leave me for as long as I am here. I was fat and depressed. When I went back to the gym in June 2023, I maybe missed one workout during the weekends I usually go workout at. I’ve lost 55 pounds since October 2022, and I still have much to lose. I have a level of confidence, that I never have had before. Fellas/ladies, I don’t have a car, my teeth are jacked up, but I have something that I didn’t think I would ever have again… I have hope and belief in my life again.

In closing, I am going to continue to handle my business, and goals that I have (things that I have shared in other threads, conversations) will be accomplished.