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Men Logic 😷... AKA Derrick Jaxn explains it all

Part of Black Youtube.

He's basically the opposite of Kevin Samuels.

Samuels tells women what they need to hear...........Jaxn tells them what they want to hear.

Obsidian and Oshay have been telling people he's a fraud for years.

Check out Sin ful the P roasting him on his channel. Man!!!!!! that sht is hilarious
Everybody been talking about this but I have no idea who dude is

Never heard of the Jaxn dude but I’m glad y’all saved me the time of finding out

Man as time goes by im mad I didnt go down this route.

Anyone who knows me will say i was built to be a cult leader. I could have gone down this path and been a mfer with a bunch of followers throwing their money at me on some life coach shit

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I get where a lot of the jokes and the vitriol coming this dudes way is because of how he preached a way of being to men in relation to women. But I don’t get it, this ain’t Warren Buffet preaching shorts and folks finding out he actually profits from an influx of idiots doing shorts. It’s some guy profiting from lost individual who, like people who use astrology to guide their life instead of just realizing it’s entertaining hearsay. This whole situation says more about the people that consume what he’s selling than it says about him. And maybe that’s why people are mad, this shit puts a mirror in their face.