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Man it’s 2022…

we got smart hulk…
Arguably the top 5 smartest in the MCU….

and niggas are mad cause they changed her origin to something other than the top 5 giving her a blood transfusion from her own blood.

the precedent been set since 2007 but nah let’s bitch about it when it’s someone other than The Leader.

There’s your nerd rage receipt.
Also, I really liked how banner went on and on about another personality in there. Kept asking Jen if theres another person in there or not.

Cause thats what it really is with Banner. I dont remember the MCU ever really going super deep on it, but end of the day, Banner is a super duper broken man, who after years or abuse from his dad developed a bunch of personalities, including some meant to protect him.

The savage hulk is just the rage he felt as a child. But all the other hulk personas have a reason for existing.

Banner harping on that hopefully opens the door to them exploring that one day. Though I dont expect disney to ever go that deep or dark.
Also, I really liked how banner went on and on about another personality in there. Kept asking Jen if theres another person in there or not.

Cause thats what it really is with Banner. I dont remember the MCU ever really going super deep on it, but end of the day, Banner is a super duper broken man, who after years or abuse from his dad developed a bunch of personalities, including some meant to protect him.

The savage hulk is just the rage he felt as a child. But all the other hulk personas have a reason for existing.

Banner harping on that hopefully opens the door to them exploring that one day. Though I dont expect disney to ever go that deep or dark.
You mean like in moon knight?
Man it’s 2022…

we got smart hulk…
Arguably the top 5 smartest in the MCU….

and niggas are mad cause they changed her origin to something other than the top 5 giving her a blood transfusion from her own blood.

the precedent been set since 2007 but nah let’s bitch about it when it’s someone other than The Leader.

There’s your nerd rage receipt.
Smart Hulk is straight garbage though. No one wants to see this version, been played out for a while

And the origin given in the TV show is dumb. "Oh I got your blood on me, guess now I'm a Hulk". No reason to change the original origin which was one of the best on comics.

More than that, what's with people getting upset if you critique a show. It was mediocre, people have a right to give their opinions. We had that same energy for every other series but because it's a female led one, we're supposed to not criticize? Don't remember people saying that for Hawkeye
I liked the 1st ep.

"Who's that girl?"

I expect savage hulk to make his triumphant return in this season.

Also I think Jennifer 100% has another personality in there to match savage hulk
Does she have another personality in the comics? Or is she strictly always Jennifer?

She doesn't.

Jen is always Jen.

She has a savage side but, it's not another personality and it is largely considered a mistake by Hulk fans by the writers that didn't create the She-Hulk we know today.

Nothing is mentally wrong with Jen, she just has Hulk powers. She's a regular, well-adjusted person. Eventually in the comics, her Hulk form is what she considers the real her, and human form is her alter-ego.

There other Hulks that don't have anything mentally wrong with them and they just have Hulk powers.

Basically, Bruce is fucked up in the head, all the other Hulks are sane.

Pretty much.

The Hulk has been hunted by the military. Has died and come back to life multiple times, including trying to commit suicide (in the comics). Loss his wives (in the comics). Loss his kids (in the comics). Loss Iron Man, Black Widow and Cap (in the movies). Has been in intergalactic wars. Has been exiled from Earth (in the comics). Was abused as a kid by his father to the point he has dissociative identity disorder.

And he gotta listen to some basic ass White woman talking about being catcalled and having men explain shit to her makes her angry all the fucking time.

And he just supposed to eat that and sympathize with that goofy shit.

This is why these feminist ass White women that become in charge of a traditionally male medium are fucking annoying. They always gotta interject their shitty ass politics into stories where it doesn't make any fucking sense to anybody that knows the character of the Hulk

If anything, out of all the heterosexual, hetero-normative, whatever the fuck you wanna call it White men to ever exist in comics, Bruce knows what it is like to be oppressed, to be discriminated against, to be marginalized, for who you are, that is no fault of your own.

And these lazy ass women writers took all of that, and made it seem like being the Hulk made him part of the boys club.

Fucked outta of here.

That entire scene was stupid.