I wasn't feeling this at all. . while I give this film props for not going with the typical mcu formula and not bombarding the movie with bad jokes and quips the problem was the pacing. It was pretty bland also. I agree with double toasted's review theres no connection to these charactersat all. Kingo was the only likeable or interesting character. Sprite was just a female loki mixed with pinnochio all pouty "wah, wash I wanna be a real human so I can grow up blah blah blah. Also they're androids? I wish they went with their original origin Wtf I wonder how much will dane love cerci she he finds out he's been humping a robot. I coulda done with out the phastos smooching also had to look away. I really don't see a sequel in the works for eternals. They'd be better off as a Disney plus show so they can be fleshed out more. They shouldve did an inhumans movie instead. Eternals was better than black widow but not as good as shang chi. It couldve been better.