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On episode 2 and get all thee WAY tfoh
giving her powers. Especially at such a convenient time.
This was pretty good.. And having grown up around a lot of Choctaw and had to study it in school, they were true to their culture as far as the colors and stickball, etc.. I liked echo's fighting a lot more than her powers though
Nah, this wasn't it y'all. It wasn't bad, but it was a step below Demar Derozan. MCU need to hire better fight coordinators/choreographers because all the fight scenes felt slow and sloppy/choppy.

No reason the Yu Yu hakusho live action should have better fighting than an MCU project with their budgets. Or maybe since the woman they picked wasn't an actual actress when they cast her, she can't do the choreo...which would also be a reason they gave her powers. Either ways, this was meh asl
I preferred Maya wooping ass over her powers
I agree %100

I thought her without the confusing ass powers was kick ass. She didn’t need any gifts or anything. She was just a badass who didn’t let her disabilities slow her down. That in itself would’ve been the hook.

Overall the show was solid, but the ending was just convoluted as hell to me. I did love the end credit scene setting up Daredevil though!