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I thought it was damn near perfect until they had that corny ass "you can do it" line

Also the female Captain America sdoing his line just didn't work for me but overall this was amazing

I had no idea she was the villain in this

I'm so glad I went to see this in IMAX 3D
How packed were yalls theaters? I wanted to check the dolby or imax but they were all too full. Wasnt trying to be around alotta people like that.

I ended up going with the real 3d joint even tho I dont really like 3D too tough. It was hardly anyone in there thankfully. We pretty much had the theater to ourselves. When we came out the place was starting to get packed tho
I checked mine today and it was sold out. I had tickets when they were available though
I didn't know every multiverse variation had the same powers and was doing the same thing. Thought we'd see a non superhero Strange
I could've waited for this to be on gang

I can watch the first strange multiple times... I probably won't watch this anymore
IMAX 3D was awesome....

Only complaint I couldn't be dumb high during the multiverse jump....

When it comes in Disney+ I'm watching with edibles
I liked it could've been a little better but they stuck to the source material for a lot of stuff which was cool. Smh at the Illuminati getting murked like that.

The comic book nerd in me got hyped as fuck when they brought up Wundergore Mtn. I'm like oh shit they're about to talk to the High Revolutionary. I thought for sure he would be in the movie when I saw the talking Bull Man but oh well.

Still Wundergore was where Wanda and Quicksilver was raised by half Cow half human so I guess that's why they used it. Which was still cool.

8/10 for me could've been a little better
Kinda wanted to see the other Wanda fight back a lil bit at least. She was gettin fucked up pretty much the whole film
Makes sense that the Wanda with her kids would be weaker, but I agree, wanted to see her at least try and fight, or the boys to use their powers.
Kinda wanted to see the other Wanda fight back a lil bit at least. She was gettin fucked up pretty much the whole film

That would have made shit too convoluted. Dont think a Wanda variant fighting back moves the story along in any sorta way.