This is just dumb.
1. she's a woman in the comics and I'm not a comic reader but I do know that they have switched genders for established characters a few times.
2. Did you have that same felling bout Nick Fury.
It's not that cut and dry:
Captain Marvel started out male; Mar-Vell. He died of cancer in the early 80's and it was a pretty huge event ending with Thanos basically guiding him to the afterlife.
Monica takes up the name and eventually leads the Avengers.
Monica loses her powers, regains them, and gives up the name to Genis-Vell, son of Mar-Vell after fighting by his side.
Genis goes insane and destroys, then recreates the universe. His "sister", Phyla-Vell tries to take over the name but Genis keeps it.
Carol Danvers has been known as Ms Marvel, Binary, and Warbird. Only very recently has she taken up the name Captain Marvel. This is the same broad that Rogue permanently drained and got her abilities from. She was altered by the Brood and became Binary, loses the majority of her power and switched her name to Warbird, then falls back on Ms Marvel again. Eventually she just hijacks the name Captain Marvel and now we're here.
The issue I have with it is that they skipped over the first iterations of Captain Marvel to give us a blond white woman with the name and this, to me, was a clear shot at appeasing the SJW crowd.
With the Avengers in a state of disarray, it would have been perfect to have Monica step in and pull the team back together. Her abilities and cosmic awareness (though not on the level of Mar Vell's) would have been enough to make for an interesting flick. But, we already had a "Black hero" with Black Panther, so that wasn't going to work at all because, as we know, the crowd they're going after doesn't give a shit about Black women.
At one point the original Captain Marvel was one of the most powerful heroes known, and one of the very few with a cosmic level of awareness, something that would obviously aid him in a fight with Thanos, but we already have plenty of white male heroes. Even still, having him switch places with Rick Jones for three hours at a time could have been made interesting in the right hands and would have beat DC to the punch with an somewhat similar storyline in Shazam.
This leaves us with Genis and/or Phyla, and truthfully the MCU needs to be fully merged with the rest of the properties in order to make sense of those two.
The first two would have been better choices in my opinion with Monica being the obvious choice condiering her background as an Avenger.