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You're missing the point. Killmonger wouldn't have learned anything because he didn't care. That should have been clear to everyone. He came in and when people tried to explain shit to him, he shut them down and used his authority to dictate. He literally had no experience running anything and had no real understanding of Wakanda, yet he thought he knew best and didn't want to hear input from anyone else. Again, Killmonger was clearly a tyrant in the making. No matter what you thought about his viewpoint, you should have been able to look at what he was establishing about himself as a leader and understand that he was headed down a bad path. He's not different from Castro or Hussein or any one of a hundred other revolutionaries/rebels that got power off of good sounding principles only to abuse that power when they had it. That's not something anyone has to worry about with T'Challa.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. At least not for Black folks, the people he is actually beholden to as a ruler. Hasta Siempre. Viva Chavez Killmonger.
That's not necessarily a bad thing. At least not for Black folks, the people he is actually beholden to as a ruler. Hasta Siempre. Viva Chavez Killmonger.

It is a bad thing though because Cubans have suffered as a result of things that Castro did. And I'm not talking about American propaganda where they made Castro out to be the devil. I'm just saying, that once he got into office he lost sight of his noble intentions and what he created was not what he envisioned.
It is a bad thing though because Cubans have suffered as a result of things that Castro did. And I'm not talking about American propaganda where they made Castro out to be the devil. I'm just saying, that once he got into office he lost sight of his noble intentions and what he created was not what he envisioned.

Cuba has achieved so much. Castro was no angel but neither were any of the leaders America had. Even Obama promoted American imperialism and used his necropower to reinforce it. Cuba had a lower infant mortality rate than America. They eliminated mother to child HIV transmission. A lot of good was done alongside that bad.
Cuba has achieved so much. Castro was no angel but neither were any of the leaders America had. Even Obama promoted American imperialism and used his necropower to reinforce it. Cuba had a lower infant mortality rate than America. They eliminated mother to child HIV transmission. A lot of good was done alongside that bad.

Again, I'm not here to demonize Castro, but a theme of the 80s was Cubans risking death just to get the hell out of Cuba. That doesn't happen if the leadership truly was by the people for the people.
He got saved by a rival clan leader. And then his family resuscitated him. Then the mountain clan comes and saves his butt again.

There's a lot of ass-saving and not a lot of doing for self.
He was found alive... Did not die or submit. That is the crux of the challenge and he needed an army why would he not want one of the clans to come to war with him
He was found alive... Did not die or submit. That is the crux of the challenge and he needed an army why would he not want one of the clans to come to war with him

Of course he would want help, he needed it! I'm still salty about that ending though. I'd rather see a rose that grew from concrete become the black panther over the spoiled prince
Of course he would want help, he needed it! I'm still salty about that ending though. I'd rather see a rose that grew from concrete become the black panther over the spoiled prince
Spoiled? He had to fight on Challenge Day just to earn the right to be King... is that spoiled??? And he was facing an army from one tribe practically by himself, damn near all the Avengers outside of Hulk and Thor would need help... and like it was stated earlier he held back against Killmonger because he knew what happened, albeit late, T'Challa felt hurt, confused, and sadden by it all and even to the end he still wanted to work it out. His heart wasn't in it to hurt him. Plus them moves early on could have made it a short fight.
Spoiled? He had to fight on Challenge Day just to earn the right to be King... is that spoiled??? And he was facing an army from one tribe practically by himself, damn near all the Avengers outside of Hulk and Thor would need help... and like it was stated earlier he held back against Killmonger because he knew what happened, albeit late, T'Challa felt hurt, confused, and sadden by it all and even to the end he still wanted to work it out. His heart wasn't in it to hurt him. Plus them moves early on could have made it a short fight.

One hardship and he's not spoiled? He was born to royalty with way more resources at his disposal than Killmonger. He was absolutely spoiled
One hardship and he's not spoiled? He was born to royalty with way more resources at his disposal than Killmonger. He was absolutely spoiled
Being born into royalty makes you spoiled? You're basically saying he should be counted against because he had opportunities and took advantage. There was no background into how he grew up, the challenges he faced or responsibilities. Us comic book folk know, but the movie and comics are different.

He witness his father's death and went after his father's murderer which I would say is a hardship. He's taking on the hardship of being King and guiding a ppl he is suppose to rule in the right direction. That's pretty damn hard not to mention on a constant throughout the movie a theme has been what is best for Wakanda and her ppl.
Yes being born into a monarchy in the wealthiest planet in the world makes you spoiled. Statistically he is many standard deviations above the mean
I'm late as hell but i only saw the movie recently.

I didn't like the ending. Killmonger was outright better: more educated, better trained, stronger, smarter...the "hero" of the movie basically inherited the throne. He succeeded not on his own but because everyone around him wiped his royal ass when he shit the bed. It's perpetuation of the same hereditary monarchies that historically led to terrible reigns and produced shitty leaders

Kilkmonger was no benefit to wakanda in the long or short term.
I'm late as hell but i only saw the movie recently.

I didn't like the ending. Killmonger was outright better: more educated, better trained, stronger, smarter...the "hero" of the movie basically inherited the throne. He succeeded not on his own but because everyone around him wiped his royal ass when he shit the bed. It's perpetuation of the same hereditary monarchies that historically led to terrible reigns and produced shitty leaders
