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I think I'm done after infinity wars mayne...even tho the movies have all gotten better within the last couple years, I'm burned out. BP is the exception.

I feel you. I'm a super duper fan of these movies, but I've said that I believe they should take a year or two hiatus after the conclusion of the IW movies just to let people adjust. Even if they keep filming the movies, I feel like delaying releases would be good. They won't do that though.
Saw the movie on Friday. Shit was DOPE. Was way better than i thought it would be. Shuri and her tech was fucking awesome.

M'Baku was hilarious and a dope character.

Klaue was a fucking savage, kind of upset that they killed him though.

The main chick from the Dora Milaje or w/e they are called fucking killed all her action scenes, they were so dope.

I thought i was going to hate Michael B Jordan a lot more than i did. His line delivery was pretty douchebaggy, but as a villain I think he was one of the best we've seen in the MCU. You could understand where he was coming from, he just wasnt a good guy to give that kind of power to.

The story was fucking awesome. Definitely in my Top 3 MCU films released so far and its between Panther, Strange, and Guardians for best origin movie in the MCU.

The humor in this movie wasnt overdone like its felt in passed movies. It was still there, but wasnt super cringeworthy.

The movie was very well made as well. Every scene in the movie added something to the story i felt, no matter how big or small the scene was. It felt like every scene was necessary for the film.

Shit was fucking awesome, cant wait to see it again.
Also, Winter Soldier being in Wakanda.. I cant remember, but I know at the end of civil war in the end credits scene we get a brief glimpse of Wakanda, but did they take Winter Soldier with them? I thought he just disappeared with Cap?

They were calling him White Wolf too, which i know is a character that was Adopted by Tchaka and is the leader of the War Dogs, but was that role ever filled by Winter soldier in the comics if anyone is familiar?

Wonder if future MCU will show Bucky staying in Wakanda taking over as the White Wolf and then have Falcon take over as Cap once evans leaves.
Also, Winter Soldier being in Wakanda.. I cant remember, but I know at the end of civil war in the end credits scene we get a brief glimpse of Wakanda, but did they take Winter Soldier with them? I thought he just disappeared with Cap?

They were calling him White Wolf too, which i know is a character that was Adopted by Tchaka and is the leader of the War Dogs, but was that role ever filled by Winter soldier in the comics if anyone is familiar?

Wonder if future MCU will show Bucky staying in Wakanda taking over as the White Wolf and then have Falcon take over as Cap once evans leaves.

End of Civil War Tchalla brought Bucky back to Wakanda to try to cure dude of his brainwashing. They put him to sleep at the end of the movie.

Thats what the "another broke white boy for us to fix" line came from
a lot of the scenes were inspired by the comics that scene where killmonger threw bp off the water fall was straight from the comics I forgot I read that before all heres a youtube easter egg video. they say in the comics bp has never defeated kill monger

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That first weekend shit doesn't mean anything. It's sort of like when ESPN praised Kobe and Lebron for being the youngest players to reach certain benchmarks without acknowledging that they had a head start by coming to the league earlier. This movie had a unique hype that had a lot of people rushing out to see it as soon as it drops. What will be interesting is seeing how long that zeal lasts. Will it carry over join Ironman 3 as the only non-team MCU movie to make a billie?

If it does that, you can bet a bunch of studios will probably try to ride the wave and make a bunch of "ethnic" films.
That first weekend shit doesn't mean anything. It's sort of like when ESPN praised Kobe and Lebron for being the youngest players to reach certain benchmarks without acknowledging that they had a head start by coming to the league earlier. This movie had a unique hype that had a lot of people rushing out to see it as soon as it drops. What will be interesting is seeing how long that zeal lasts. Will it carry over join Ironman 3 as the only non-team MCU movie to make a billie?

If it does that, you can bet a bunch of studios will probably try to ride the wave and make a bunch of "ethnic" films.

alotta folks going to see this joint multiple times and taking their peoples/fam with them.. i think it might be a possibility fam




