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I don't think it's been talked about much, but I liked Namorita and Attuma. They didn't have big roles, but they did enough to make me want to see more of them. That's as much as you can expect.
Finished this today.
Was a decent watch.
I still feel they could've recasted T-Challa
Basically my exact thoughts.

I liked Namors character. Also liked how they ended it with a truce, but we know even if Namor ever helps the heroes in the future, he and his people are the top priority. Not a good guy to everybody, not a bad guy to everybody.

I think it would have been so much better if they just bit the bullet and recasted Tchalla. Good amount of people would have complained, sure, but they could have put tons of tributes to Chadwick leading up to the film, in the film, and after the film to show respect, but it felt too early for Shuri to lead a whole film. Leticia didn't necessarily do a bad job.. it was just too big of a change way too soon or something lol. Hopefully by the time black panther 3 comes around, they will age up little tchalla and just have him take over. Or grab a tchalla from another timeline.

The opening sequence did choke me up a minute though. Was dope to see the murals of tchalla too. They definitely paid respect to Chadwick in the film. I feel they could have still done that even if they recasted the character. I know shuri eventually takes over as BP in the comics story, but we barely had time to get to know her character. Last time we saw her she was defenseless unless she had those paw blasters on her hand. Now she's all acrobatic and a master of martial arts. Sure, she could have maybe trained. She should have used all that training time to save tchalla though cuz that's who I want to see as BP. This is her fault.
I don't know. I get wanting to T'challa, but it would have had to have been a completely different movie. I believe they could have made a good one, but I'm not going to assume whatever movie we got with T'challa would have automatically been just as good.

