Naw,I ain't gonna go on and on, but I just didn't like the time heist idea.....
And the call backs didn't do much for me.
I did like cap picking up the hammer.
And the 3 on 1 fight with thanos.
The humor was okay. Captain marvel was fine in her role. I'll take back my statements from earlier.
I did wanna see hulk get at least one punch in. Flash back to old hulk was hilarious.
Tony meeting his pops was kinda lame. But pepper saving him in her suit was everything.
Cap choosing to age with Peggy was too story book.
Natasha sacrificing herself was amazing. Prolly one of my favorite parts on first watch.
Nebula was great. I loved both nebula's, I loved them them being two sides of gamoras concious.... And new nebula killing old one was great. That was a really good side story.
Thanos smiling at his own death was dope. And knowing Tony, cap and thor would come to him was great as well.
Ant man was cool.
Aquathor was fun, and necessary for the film.
T'challa finally remembered how to use his suit.
And they better not mess up the continuity in Spiderman next movie.
I give infinity war a 9
Aquaman a clean 8
So I stand by my sentiment. But I ain't gonna fuck with y'all much
ahhh ok