Welcome To aBlackWeb

I’m not an “aspiring” rapper my man. I’m not 35. I don’t live with roommates in Washington state. You wrong on all counts. Lol @ weed habit. Alright Ronald Reagan.

But lemme tell you what you are. you are a bitch ass nigga who pretends to be a nigga who was pretending to be a nigga. Atleast MF DOOM could rap. Your super power is complaining like a bitch.
You said that already. You tired? That was, only about 5 hours between you throwing a bitch rage fit last night to you back being on my dick this morning. Get some sleep man. Love you. Doom

And when the album dropping? The abw streets been waiting. I’ll have Chi create a site wide notifications so we can get your Spotify numbers up so you can move out and get your own space.
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🤣 not over no cornbread antman maaaan
You said that already. You tired? That was, only about 5 hours between you throwing a bitch rage fit last night to you back being on my dick this morning. Get some sleep man. Love you. Doom

And when the album dropping? The abw streets been waiting. I’ll have Chi create a site wide notifications so we can get your Spotify numbers up so you can move out and get your own space.

Yeah I said it already.

For reiteration, nigga.

Just like you keep reiterating how gay you are. You keep saying weirdo gay shit and im uncomfortable so imma let you continue to do what you do best, which is complain and be a bitch ass nigga. It’s only a matter of time before you and the other complaining ass nigga start yalls men on film podcast.
Yeah I said it already.

For reiteration, nigga.

Just like you keep reiterating how gay you are. You keep saying weirdo gay shit and im uncomfortable so imma let you continue to do what you do best, which is complain and be a bitch ass nigga. It’s only a matter of time before you and the other complaining ass nigga start yalls men on film podcast.

This movie has a 48% critic score. Get the fuck out my face, man. If you wanna dick eat, dick eat. Just stop roid raging about me at night. Love you bro bro. Sincerely Doom.

After a rewatch last night I decided that.....I still don't like it. Just kidding it was okay the only flaw was the failed attempted at humor and cringe dialogue exchanges with modok other than that the film is fine. I'm bumping up my rating from 6 to 7.
The film has received some criticisms that the ending doesn’t have enough impact or direct consequences for the heroes and that perhaps it would have felt like more sacrifice was made to defeat Kang if Scott and Hope were indeed trapped together in the Quantum Realm. For his part though, writer Jeff Loveness said, “I kind of love the ending that we landed on. I hear what people are saying but I feel if you just strand Ant-Man in the Quantum Realm again, that is exactly what happened at the end of the second movie, and the way out of it is exactly what happens in Endgame.”

It’s clear Janet and Kang spent quite a bit of time together before she learns about his conquering ways and the name Kang, but we never learn what name he went by with her before that. The most obvious answer would be Nathaniel Richards, his real name in the comics, which is notable itself because of its nod to his family relation in the source material — though they were born centuries apart — to the Fantastic Four‘s Reed Richards.

Asked what name Janet was calling Kang while they worked to repair his ship’s core, Loveness replied, “I can’t say too much,” joking, “Let’s just say the four-hour Loveness cut would have would have answered that.”

He added, “I would say Kang is a title, not even a name, and that is a mask that he wears. Certainly he was and is a human being with a name. For the sake of pacing, things get chopped out or cut down, but I think we’ll be seeing what this guy’s name is pretty soon and who he relates to and what’s going on.”