Check yourself, what percentage is you?
You said that already. You tired? That was, only about 5 hours between you throwing a bitch rage fit last night to you back being on my dick this morning. Get some sleep man. Love you. DoomI’m not an “aspiring” rapper my man. I’m not 35. I don’t live with roommates in Washington state. You wrong on all counts. Lol @ weed habit. Alright Ronald Reagan.
But lemme tell you what you are. you are a bitch ass nigga who pretends to be a nigga who was pretending to be a nigga. Atleast MF DOOM could rap. Your super power is complaining like a bitch.
And when the album dropping? The abw streets been waiting. I’ll have Chi create a site wide notifications so we can get your Spotify numbers up so you can move out and get your own space.