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Breaking News Man kills ex wife,ex girl, then himself in custody battle

Easy to say.
But someone else created his stress.
True, but if he was gonna be so stressed that he had no other choice but to kill the mother of his children. Then he should at least be man enough to face the consequences of his action and eat that jail time. Instead he took the cowards way out. Not saying that he’s lying or he wasn’t stressed and depressed.
True, but if he was gonna be so stressed that he had no other choice but to kill the mother of his children. Then he should at least be man enough to face the consequences of his action and eat that jail time. Instead he took the cowards way out. Not saying that he’s lying or he wasn’t stressed and depressed.
in this case it’s being realistic.

cowards way?

he said he ain’t built for jail and he still wouldn’t see his kids.

So because his back was against the wall…..he took this route.

Again, killing anyone should not be an option.

but can i tell a gang member a crip ain’t worth killing?

who are you or i to say what’s the end of someone’s rope?

these are this mans kids.
His offspring.

if you ever held your child Fresh out the coochie and truly bonded….anyone getting in the way of that signed a waiver that by placing yourself between a man and his seed seeks all types of bodily harm and maybe death. The mother included.

Ask any mother would they die for their child.

now that same energy should be given to a man
in this case it’s being realistic.

cowards way?

he said he ain’t built for jail and he still wouldn’t see his kids.

So because his back was against the wall…..he took this route.

Again, killing anyone should not be an option.

but can i tell a gang member a crip ain’t worth killing?

who are you or i to say what’s the end of someone’s rope?

these are this mans kids.
His offspring.

if you ever held your child Fresh out the coochie and truly bonded….anyone getting in the way of that signed a waiver that by placing yourself between a man and his seed seeks all types of bodily harm and maybe death. The mother included.

mask any mother would they die for their child.

now that same energy should be given to a man
Suicide is the cowards way out in this context. You wanna murder the mother of your children, then do the time….
Suicide is the cowards way out in this context. You wanna murder the mother of your children, then do the time….
Bruh…,, the problem ain’t solved.

If we want to cowards.

can we focus on niggas who wouldn’t even care if they saw their kids or not?

niggas who wouldn’t even go to court to file for visitation let alone custody.

this is a crime of passion.

when it comes to a man and his child….eliminating anyone in his way is far from being a coward. Facing consequence of an action you was forced in shouldnt Be held against him. Unless he was already a killer…what we talking about?

can’t play with people like this
Deflecting responsibility..... Same old story since the Garden of Eden

"12Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.”
Genesis 3:12

He'll have his day in court on the last day.....

But passing the buck will never pardon anybody.

And if this man never harmed his kids……

can we talk any the kids life being destroyed even before this incident?
Most people ignore those Men's Rights Advocates. I can't say they are right about everything they believe, but their biggest contention seems to be with family courts and how common situations like this are. This tragedy is getting a lot of attention because he killed the two chicks, but a lot of these dudes wind up just killing themselves, and those incidents don't get nearly as much attention.

As has been said, people need to stop playing with other people in this way. And the world in general needs to stop acting like men don't care about their kids. Let's be real, if mothers got fucked over by family courts regularly, we'd be hearing about women doing shit like this too. Parents do crazy shit when their relationships with their kids are in jeopardy.
lol gat damn
My dude said oh "btw todays the day" as soon as the door opened. Have a feeling in a heated argument he told her this might be coming.
I done heard too many horror stories over the years man, sheesh

Hope them kids have a loving relative to take em up.
We got dudes out here still killing over clothing and colors and what block they sleep.

you don’t think a dude will do the same over his kids?

The question is why you want folks to understand his pain over the pain he just caused. Yes being lied on is terrible dealing with custody is stressful and people are pushed to the edge combine that with the post about losing his job. We can point to reasons he snapped but it does not excuse it.
Bruh…,, the problem ain’t solved.

If we want to cowards.

can we focus on niggas who wouldn’t even care if they saw their kids or not?

niggas who wouldn’t even go to court to file for visitation let alone custody.

this is a crime of passion.

when it comes to a man and his child….eliminating anyone in his way is far from being a coward. Facing consequence of an action you was forced in shouldnt Be held against him. Unless he was already a killer…what we talking about?

can’t play with people like this

What do bloods and crips have to do with this. He not gonna be able to explain to his kids the whole situation. But murder suicide isn’t some easy simple conclusion Inthink he was in a deep hole with this and it’s crazy it got this bad
As a man who has been thru this. Twice
I get it.
I totally understand his thought process.
Thankfully I never wanted to go this route but I get it.
if you never fought for custody while lies are being said….
I beg you please don’t judge this man.

these women didn’t deserve to die….I won’t agree to understand that part. But to put moleststion on someone’s jacket during custody can do so much damage even tho not true and fir the new chick to even mention to do something like that while he’s going thru this ……..

words are powerful.
Dont try to get a reaction by saying the wrong shit.
No one deserves to die
And don’t trust that other people will control themselves and not off you over your words or actions .
This definitely triggered me and gave me flashbacks
I respect this post....it's an unfortunate situation especially for the kids
We got dudes out here still killing over clothing and colors and what block they sleep.

you don’t think a dude will do the same over his kids?

His kids were outside in the car when he killed his ex-wife. How much does he really care about them to subject them to that? You can't say that man never harmed his kids when he's now left them orphans on top of having to live with and have their own lives partially defined by the legacy he left them. Part of being a coward is being too selfish to see how your actions affect others and this fits that perfectly.
There's no way you can defend, sympathize or try to give an understanding to what that sick fuck did. He was/is a coward and a pussy.

Nigga let words drive him to killing his children's mother and then himself leaving his kids "which he said he loved" homeless and orphans. Fuck that nigga hopefully he's burning in the hottest of hells also
Feel for all people involved especially for the kids that are left to pick up the pieces.

I'm thankful I've never been in this situation where I'm going through a bitter custody battle and accused of molesting my kids. That should never be the go to defense, that's some hateful shit to do to a father who just want his kids. But in no way should killing anyone be something you come up with to solve the issue

None of us know what we would do when pushed to that breaking point, we just hope it would never go to what happened in this situation.
This is more than and deeper than "he wrong, burn in hell"

I can only give my condolences to the kids, prayers to the dead, and hope that it serves as an example to the living

The truth is somewhere in all these articles, I just hope its a long time coming b4 we read of another incident like this
This is more than and deeper than "he wrong, burn in hell"

I can only give my condolences to the kids, prayers to the dead, and hope that it serves as an example to the living

The true is somewhere in all these articles, I just hope its a long time coming b4 he read of another incident like this
Absolutely dafuck it ain't. That nigga killed women because they hurt his feelings.

That nigga was a pussy at best and to even put "we don't know the full story" is a cop out and bullshit because no matter what they did to that pussy ass nigga they never killed him in front of his kids and that bitch ass nigga did do that to them. So yeah fuck him, his feelings, his fragile mind and whomever else he don't see it.

I lost my aunt to punk like this. Fuck that nigga and niggas with the same mindset