Malik Yoba at the Breakfast Club addressing Trans Issues


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
Jan 18, 2017
I put this in the Breakfast Club Thread, but after the first 5 min, its clear this needs its own thread

I'm almost at the 30 min mark and this interview is a LOT to unpack.

I don't want to do it a disservice by bastardizing what they are trying to talk about. I disagree with a few things in the first part of the interview, but at least from an educational standpoint, they are attempting to clear up things like the terminology commonly associated with this community.

I had NEVER heard the term "cis" used in everyday conversation. This is one of my "grievances" b/c it just seems like it was created last week, but they are saying its a scientific word so its legit
ohmars, im not gonna type a dissertation about it b/c i honestly think you should watch it for yourself, but the gist of it seems to be to dispel most of the stereotypes that have been assigned to this community.

There are no jokes being told in this interview. Everyone is having a serious conversation

and the only naturally born female in the room is Yee, so, take from that what you will
I'm almost at the 30 min mark and this interview is a LOT to unpack.

I don't want to do it a disservice by bastardizing what they are trying to talk about. I disagree with a few things in the first part of the interview, but at least from an educational standpoint, they are attempting to clear up things like the terminology commonly associated with this community.

I had NEVER heard the term "cis" used in everyday conversation. This is one of my "grievances" b/c it just seems like it was created last week, but they are saying its a scientific word so its legit

denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbon–carbon double bond are on the same side of the bond.

What that fuck that have to do with the interview?
denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbon–carbon double bond are on the same side of the bond.

What that fuck that have to do with the interview?
Cis comes from the Latin word meaning same side. When they say Cisgender, they are saying people that identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.
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Im about 30 minutes in and i already have some issues.

IMO i feel like the gay black man and the transgendered black woman aren't being 100% honest about their views because of how it would be received.

The guy made a statement about how having or not having a penis shouldnt be a focal point because "hermaphrodites" exisit, and excuse me if i heard this wrong, but they are on a spectrum?

Problem #1

Then when the topic of transgendered people being killed, the black woman danced around it and said that there has to be a level of trust before disclosure. To me, it sounded like she was saying if you dont ask, im not saying anything and hid behind self perservation as justification.

This whole topic is making my head hurt to be honest. Im going to keep listening though.
Im about 30 minutes in and i already have some issues.

IMO i feel like the gay black man and the transgendered black woman aren't being 100% honest about their views because of how it would be received.

The guy made a statement about how having or not having a penis shouldnt be a focal point because "hermaphrodites" exisit, and excuse me if i heard this wrong, but they are on a spectrum?

Problem #1

Then when the topic of transgendered people being killed, the black woman danced around it and said that there has to be a level of trust before disclosure. To me, it sounded like she was saying if you dont ask, im not saying anything and hid behind self perservation as justification.

This whole topic is making my head hurt to be honest. Im going to keep listening though.

To me, sounded more like she was saying 'I just met you. I don't disclose personal details to strangers like that. We have to build trust. Just like with any other personal detail.' If they really look at it like any other personal detail...
Im about 30 minutes in and i already have some issues.

IMO i feel like the gay black man and the transgendered black woman aren't being 100% honest about their views because of how it would be received.

The guy made a statement about how having or not having a penis shouldnt be a focal point because "hermaphrodites" exisit, and excuse me if i heard this wrong, but they are on a spectrum?

Problem #1

Then when the topic of transgendered people being killed, the black woman danced around it and said that there has to be a level of trust before disclosure. To me, it sounded like she was saying if you dont ask, im not saying anything and hid behind self perservation as justification.

This whole topic is making my head hurt to be honest. Im going to keep listening though.
agreed on all points