Smh.......damn shame. Faggotry being pushed to the masses like that
Idek why
They could've let it be known these niggaz were faggots and kept it moving but nah

They showed juicy smollày's sister in a tepid love scene and then went full homo the rest of the show

Even the department store manager thing......mann ?
Wild episode. I don't know where this is all heading but I'm asking for the ride.
See the source image
Whites and Blacks alike don't understand Jim Crow status on a small scale. I don't think we are at the point as a culture where we can start retelling these stories from a lens designed to mock or entertain.

Why don't people think critically about what they consume?

Jordan peele has some very lopsided views on race. Just revisit the things he's said on Key and Peele. I don't think he's in the position to retell our stories.

Nigga is cashing out big on racial issues that still plague society and it's exploitative as fuck

I'm certain next year he'I'll do a sci-fi series on chattel slavery and niggas will call it groundbreaking lol

I mean Jim Crow laws/policies are still alive and well today. Maybe we should tackle that first...

If you want to watch a Jim Crow horror series go watch 13th or The Black power mixtape or Eyes on the prize.

Jim Crow in itself is a horror series. TF lmao

  • Haha
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Lovecraftian and gothic style horror can be interesting. If this shit is light on the actual horror and heavy on the social commentary, it might be a no for me.
This show started off weird and confusing, but in an entertaining and interesting way. The previous ep was trash as well. If the next one ain't hittin, I might bow out early.
If it wasn't the beaucoup battymanity throughout the episode
The people breaking out of crackas bodies would've been disgusting enough lol

One of the times ruby broke out of the old beckys body and she was there just chilling whole time I'm screaming at the tv like bitch go take a damn shower mann
Sitting there with blood and guts all over her

Not enough to fuck up my experience but still
Show has been great and its entertaining me.

Last nights episode was a bit much

but this show still has my attention

and the balance of interjecting real atrocities and horrors along with the sci-fi horror has been good imo

has started a lot of convos

have been in a lot of “wait that really happened?” discussions with white and black folks
Ayo, what was up with the Police Chief body? NH. Dude had a black torso with white arms and head.
Looked like tats but then it looked like something else when the camera was closer