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Let's talk about fat people

I never said fat was healthy though.

Why you had to type all of that? Come on old head, dang. I don't even disagree with this though!
I'm working on my weight now, cut out starches, drinking plenty of water, smaller portions.
I burn 500 calories just from breastfeeding alone so I've started losing a bit quicker than I should.
People have to want the desire to lose weight, the desire to make healthier choices. It isn't easy though and self discipline is a mother fucker.
My point is, believe it or not many things play a role into adult and even childhood obesity for many that can start from infancy. May not be you but it can be someone else, period.

and one of those things is that food can taste good.

Me and my siblings grew up in a household that ate no swine or red meat with fish as the primary meat and plenty of fruits and veggies. The problem with that? Outside of my uncle and his family, no one else ate like that. When we would go to our grandmothers cribs it was pork chops, bacon ans sausages, kielbasa, pizzas with pepperoni and italian sausage and shit like that.

Food could taste good.

As soon as I got my first job at Hardee's I started eating fast food in abundance because... hey... food CAN taste good and I now had the means to buy it especially with that 50% discount we had for working there. I'd hit up the coney spot around from my school over on 6 mile and Wyoming and when they opened up a coney spot in my neighborhood it was a wrap. As kids we weren't allowed to eat candy (especially chocolate for some reason) and drink pop except as a once in a blue moon treat but once I had my own money I would buy shit from the candy store right before school along with a Faygo cola or something and would eat that shit throughout the day. At lunch I had an ID that said I had driver's ed so I could leave the building and would hit the spot for some coneys and fries.

This carried on as an adult where I could afford to buy whatever tasted good in abundance. Because I was still athletic my metabolism would handle the task of burning off whatever I ate no matter how insane an amount it was. I was known among the crew as a cat that would buy a double quarter pounder with double extra cheese, a big mac with double cheese, filet of fish, super sized fries, eat all of that washed down with beer or liquor and look at your food like "you gonna eat that?" and wouldn't gain a single pound. I worked retail selling car audio back then so I was always on my feet on the sales floor or getting physical by installing the shit or building subwoofer cabinets and after work I was still on my feet at the arcade or at a bar/club pushin up on some chicks.

Where this all caught up to me was my first office job. Instead of standing for 9-10 hrs a day I was now sitting for 9hrs. Huge shift for me physically and this is where it all falls apart for most people. When you get out of the house and start buying food for yourself you tend to buy the things you feel you were deprived of as a child and tend to overdo it. When you're no longer active as you were in your younger years all of that catches up to you and you end up gaining weight like crazy and wake up one morning wondering why you can't fit in them jeans you just bought last week (which literally happened to me).

In a sense you're right, it does start in childhood, but not in the way you're thinking.
If you fat and happy do you. Just please don't sit next to me on the plane. I have enough of other people's blubber trying to consume me to last a lifetime.
I just don't like when fat ppl don't try to do anything about it. But say they wanna lose 70 pounds in 5 months

I saw one of those weight loss challenge shows where the fattie gets to work one-on-one with this trainer. They would have these people losing 60-70lbs in a fuckin month.
Fuck people who fat shame.

There's no such a thing as "fat shaming"; you're just tellin it like it is.

Pointing out that you're fat is necessary 'cause clearly most people out here are delusional about it and what it does to you. No one should be comfortable with being fat at all. It's an abnormal condition for the human body and should not be celebrated as a good thing at all ever, otherwise we'll continue to get fatter and fatter. We've gotten to the point where being overweight has been normalized and should have never happened.
^^^ That way.

And yet that is literally just ONE example of how it starts at infancy. Only ONE...I could keep going with examples of how it starts from infancy honestly because it is still being done. A baby not being chunky doesn't mean these things aren't being done at all.
Being fat was normalized before people even realized it was. No one needs a reminder that they are fat, mfs need to remind themselves of what to do FOR THEIR HEALTH. If you want to lose weight, lose it. That's like for example if I was lazy for 10 years and decide one day enough is enough I need to lose weight, how the hell can I judge someone else? I sat for 10 years being lazy and gaining weight. I'd be no better. I wouldn't need a reminder, that wouldn't make me all of a sudden want to lose weight.
And yet that is literally just ONE example of how it starts at infancy. Only ONE...I could keep going with examples of how it starts from infancy honestly because it is still being done. A baby not being chunky doesn't mean these things aren't being done at all.

aye... you wrote it, I quoted it.

There's no such a thing as "fat shaming"; you're just tellin it like it is.

Pointing out that you're fat is necessary 'cause clearly most people out here are delusional about it and what it does to you. No one should be comfortable with being fat at all. It's an abnormal condition for the human body and should not be celebrated as a good thing at all ever, otherwise we'll continue to get fatter and fatter. We've gotten to the point where being overweight has been normalized and should have never happened.

Sounds like bullshit. People know how unhealthy being fat is
Being fat was normalized before people even realized it was. No one needs a reminder that they are fat, mfs need to remind themselves of what to do FOR THEIR HEALTH. If you want to lose weight, lose it. That's like for example if I was lazy for 10 years and decide one day enough is enough I need to lose weight, how the hell can I judge someone else? I sat for 10 years being lazy and gaining weight. I'd be no better. I wouldn't need a reminder, that wouldn't make me all of a sudden want to lose weight.

Nah b, 'cause if you take a look around everybody acts like they're not fat. They completely forgot that the way we are as a society is fucked up. Niggas need to be reminded 'cause when you forget you act like we do now: You celebrate that shit.

Being like this is destructive to our bodies, yet it's being propped up as if it ain't. We don't celebrate bulimics, we don't celebrate anorexia, why do we celebrate fatness???

The flip of this, tho, is now that everybody is overweight there's a rise in what some folks call "skinny shaming" and it's happening out of spite.
Sounds like bullshit. People know how unhealthy being fat is


No they really don't. WE do, but that's just us and even some of us on this board and in this thread don't or at least they refuse to acknowledge it. Many people are simply oblivious to it until they wake up in the hostpital after a hypoglycemic seizure and the last thing they remember was arguing with the waitress about their 2lb steak being medium well instead of medium rare.

The other part of that is that it's become so normalized that most people don't even believe they're fat, so they believe the whole "fat is unhealthy" shits doesn't apply to them when it does. They know that being fat is unhealthy but they don't think they're fat when they really are.
Nah b, 'cause if you take a look around everybody acts like they're not fat. They completely forgot that the way we are as a society is fucked up. Niggas need to be reminded 'cause when you forget you act like we do now: You celebrate that shit.

Being like this is destructive to our bodies, yet it's being propped up as if it ain't. We don't celebrate bulimics, we don't celebrate anorexia, why do we celebrate fatness???

The flip of this, tho, is now that everybody is overweight there's a rise in what some folks call "skinny shaming" and it's happening out of spite.

So because people aren't running around sad and moping around they act like they aren't fat? Yo people don't need to be depressed and constantly reminded of something they wake up knowing EVERY SINGLE DAY. People have to get out of this idea that just because they woke up and realized they are fat and/or unhappy with their body that now everyone fat has to.
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I also truly see how one can realize they're unhappy with their body and now want everyone to feel that way.
So because people aren't running around sad and moping around they act like they aren't fat? Yo people don't need to be depressed and constantly reminded of something they wake up knowing EVERY SINGLE DAY. People have to get out of this idea that just because they woke up and realized they are fat and unhappy with their body that now everyone fat has to.

Who said all of that? You must be replying to the wrong post 'cause I damned sure didn't say anything like that. You just made alladat shit up. Shit wasn't being talked about or even alluded to.