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leave Kyrie Irving alone

Just the current black guy to attack

not too long ago it was DaBaby now it’s Kyrie

Naw, we can't ride with this argument....white conservatives have been getting dragged in the media

And as far as sports go....Cole Beasley and Kirk Cousins got that work

Maybe I'm wrong for this but Kyrie is a flat earther and I have no sympathy or empathy for flat earthers
Idgaf about ppl not getting vaccinated but it's mad annoying seeing rich celebs saying they gotta do their own research. Nigga we been in the house damn near 3 yrs it was ample time to look into it. Take the shit or don't but miss me with this 'ehhh I'm not sure' shit
Kyrie can have whateva stance he want. He don't wanna get vaccinated...cool. BUT...the team has every right to keep him out until he do. That's THEIR right. It's not about just him.

Listen...these owners ain't tryin to lose the amount of money they did last year. Green before everything as far as they're concerned. So if it means the organization gotta get vaccinated, just so they can recoup all that money they lost...so be it. B/c all it takes is ONE person to throw the whole organization, and the league off its axis. Whether it's coach staff...stadium workers...etc. Case in point...the NFL.

So he can have his stance all he wants. He just gotta deal wit the consequences behind it. I mean atheletes put types of shyt in their bodies w/o batting an eye, or question everything in it. But oh well...next man up for the Nets.

It's not the team though.

It's New York state law.

Basically, anyone who wants to go to an event with major crowds: concerts, sporting events, etc...........has to be vaccinated.

Now, the team could've allowed him to play away games, but they decided not to.

Even still, I don't understand all the hate for Kyrie.

He's not complaining or anything.

All he's doing is standing by his decision not to get vaccinated.
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It's not the team though.

It's the New York state law.

Basically, anyone who wants to go to an event with major crowds: concerts, sporting events, etc...........has to be vaccinated.

Now, the team could've allowed him to play away games, but they decided not to.

Even still, I don't understand all the hate for Kyrie.

He's not complaining or anything.

All he's doing is standing by his decision not to get vaccinated.

I mean that I know. I'm talkin in the lines of the team following the state law.
I could careless if Keyie gets vaccinated but if he is not doing so for some srupid conspiracy theory then people calling him an idiot makes sense. He should just retire though as he cannot put his teammates at risk when they all got the shot. Tnis is only a big issue cause Kyrie thinks he is smarter than everyone else. He is a flat earther so lets not forget
It's not the team though.

It's New York state law.

Basically, anyone who wants to go to an event with major crowds: concerts, sporting events, etc...........has to be vaccinated.

Now, the team could've allowed him to play away games, but they decided not to.

Even still, I don't understand all the hate for Kyrie.

He's not complaining or anything.

All he's doing is standing by his decision not to get vaccinated.
Actually he made it bigger than what it was as he always does. He can't just stfu and do his thing so you know the media will criticise every word he says and this was before covid
I'm convinced it's literally self doubt manifesting itself in people that lash out like that at this point.

Completely unnecessary. I'm vaccinated but I'd never shit on anybody for not getting vaccinated. Do the research, get the information, do what's best for you and god bless. That's it.
It's none of my business so I fully understand if you don't reply. When you were sick awhile back, was it covid related? If so, were you already vaccinated or did you get vaccinated after? Again you don't have to reply. I respect whatever you choose to do.
Idgaf about ppl not getting vaccinated but it's mad annoying seeing rich celebs saying they gotta do their own research. Nigga we been in the house damn near 3 yrs it was ample time to look into it. Take the shit or don't but miss me with this 'ehhh I'm not sure' shit


The shyt is a cop out excuse. If don't wanna take it the vaccine...then say it. Stand by that shyt. But to say "Uhhh...i gotta do more research"...naw. fucc that.

Muthafuccas can go thru twitter at the blink of an eye to find shyt that support whateva argument they're making. But all of the sudden, they're reluctant to actually do the homework and educate themselves about the vaccine?? They rather rely on conspiracy theories or other people who have not one iota idea about covid and the vaccination.

I'm glad the Nets drew that line in the sand, instead of being on the fence. THEIR stance "We trying to win a title. Either you're in, or your out."
Not getting vaccinated unless you got some super serious health condition is stupid as fuck. I don't wanna hear about having to do research and all this extra shit.

We have experts called doctors. Talk to your doctor. We have scientists that explain shit, go on YouTube and find one.

When people say they have to do their research about some high level science shit, like a got damn vaccine, unless you are a biology professor, you most likely not gonna understand half the shit unless it's broken down to you. Most unvaccinated people are going on Facebook and looking at conspiracy videos because it's easier to understand than how a vaccine functions.

I've seen all types of arguments about why not to take the vaccine, most of them are stupid as shit, like the vaccine changes your DNA. Like the vaccine hasn't been tested for side effects, not true. Like the vaccine doesn't prevent the spread of Covid, again not true. LIke only old people die of Covid, again not true.

We as Americans, have a hard time calling people dumb. Instead we like to go with the "freedom argument" and "rights argument". Certain shit like this you shouldn't have any freedom or rights. Taking a vaccine in order not to pass sickness and disease to other people is a public service.

The unvaccinated are fucking dumb, only people dying in droves of Covid right now are the unvaccinated, which means other medical services are being put on the back burner for the dumbasses of America.

Kyrie is the biggest idiot because this motherfucker got a family and he's walking around unvaccinated, god forbid he catches Covid and infects his family then he gonna be looking real dumb out here.
You got to be on the court to be an incredible player. Where was he last year in the playoffs? Kyrie ain't worth the headache and Nets only signed him cause of KD. KD got to be regretting that decision now
he wasn’t on the court because of a dirty unnecessary play that got no coverage because of who he is and who the offender was

he was he most durable of their ”big 3” last season til that point

the man is willing to miss out on 17 million dollars. How tf is anybody more bothered than him?

You ain’t ever played with the money kyrie worth to say what he worth
It's none of my business so I fully understand if you don't reply. When you were sick awhile back, was it covid related? If so, were you already vaccinated or did you get vaccinated after? Again you don't have to reply. I respect whatever you choose to do.

No. It wasn't covid related in any way.

If I had covid already I wouldn't have taken the shot.
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Seen a handful of ppl harping on him about needing to do more research. Where he say that?

Judging from IG live alone sounds like he's not anti vax just anti mandate......unless I missed it?