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LA Council President Nury Martinez resigns after leaked audio saying a black child looks like a monkey and needs to be beaten

To be fair, we're mad about them talking bad about us. These same Mexican politicians will support policy that has their people in cages. For real, check how many of them vote Republican and support harsh immigration policy.

Legal immigrants don't want illegal immigrants. That's more competition.

Just like middle class and upper class aspiring Black folks want all the lower class Black folk locked up.

Just like liberal White people hate all the poor White trash.

The media and the political machines crafts and presents narratives that are easy to understand.

Brown people that speak Spanish, all the same. They come to America for better life.

Black people hate police, because police bad. Black people love everyone because they suffer so much.

White people racist and hate everyone that's not White, because they are mad it's not White man's country no more.

They pretty much create narratives that are so simplistic that Disney probably wrote it.
It's funny. I think I told this story in the IC. Back in high school the Cubans didn't fuck with the Dominicans or the Puerto Ricans. At first I didn't really understand, but years later for them it was because the Dominicans and Puerto Ricans hung out with and had more in common with us than them.

And to make it extra funny… Mexicans are considered the “niggas” of the Latinos
Pretty fucked up. Also pretty crazy how it violates the recoding laws. I know some states allow you to secretly record people and some don't
Thought that was the central American peeps like Guatemalans and shit. I read some stories a while back about how they make up the majority of the border crossings and not Mexicans. When passing through Mexico though they are treated like shit by the Mexicans.

Mexican-Americans are the niggas out of all the of Latinos in America. All the worst stereotypes about Latinos actually apply to them only. They are like the Irish of Latino immigrant population.

Nobody likes them.

White Cubans are basically the equivalent of White Americans.

In Latin America though, Central Americans like Guatemalans and El Salvadorans are like the poorest of the poor but us Americans don't know shit about them, all of our worst stereotypes about Latinos is blanketed by brown-skinned Mexicans.

Just like all the negative stereotypes about Black people in American is really about Native-born Black Americans. Nobody thinks of a Nigerian or a Kenyan and thinks a thug or deadbeat dad or slave. They just catch the strays when they take on our attributes and mannerisms. White Americans will even tell you that Nigerians and Kenyans is something totally different than Black Americans in their conception of who Black people are.

Puerto Ricans get to be the fiesty Latino lovers. Dominicans get to claim they are not Black and exist in this weird space where they are not Black enough to be treated like a full on nigga but they aren't light enough to be pass, so they get treated with indifference unless they are in the Tri-State area or Miami. Like only NYers and Miami motherfuckers care about Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, everywhere else is just full of "Mexicans".

Nobody knows what the fuck a Guatemalan, El Salvadorian or Ecuadorian is or can tell the difference, all of them get categorized as "Mexican" and "Mexicans" are the ones that are stealing our jobs, running across the boarder, making gangs, running drugs, raping women, leaving anchor babies and all that shit they say on Fox News.

That's America's racial politics for you. Us and Mexicans are basically the same in status in America but they think they are better than us because Spain thoroughly colonized them and taught them to hate themselves so much that they link up with Neo Nazis in prison lol.
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