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LA Council President Nury Martinez resigns after leaked audio saying a black child looks like a monkey and needs to be beaten

Yeah this was it. This was basically the breaking point that had civilians and gang members saying that shit had gone way too far and that's when it came out that the supposed green light was with another gang that hood was beefin with not on just any Black person they saw.
The real question is what did black gangs do about it?
I remember a dude got dp’d because he slapped a messican fruit stand dude. Why dp dude for slapping a Mexican civilian but not the death of black civilians?
The real question is what did black gangs do about it?
I remember a dude got dp’d because he slapped a messican fruit stand dude. Why dp dude for slapping a Mexican civilian but not the death of black civilians?

If i remember right wasnt there a thread on here about that
The real question is what did black gangs do about it?
I remember a dude got dp’d because he slapped a messican fruit stand dude. Why dp dude for slapping a Mexican civilian but not the death of black civilians?

Well seeing as how it was a gang war and the shooter was arrested you can probably guess they responded like gangs do...with more violence
Mexican-Americans are the niggas out of all the of Latinos in America. All the worst stereotypes about Latinos actually apply to them only. They are like the Irish of Latino immigrant population.

Nobody likes them.

White Cubans are basically the equivalent of White Americans.

In Latin America though, Central Americans like Guatemalans and El Salvadorans are like the poorest of the poor but us Americans don't know shit about them, all of our worst stereotypes about Latinos is blanketed by brown-skinned Mexicans.

Just like all the negative stereotypes about Black people in American is really about Native-born Black Americans. Nobody thinks of a Nigerian or a Kenyan and thinks a thug or deadbeat dad or slave. They just catch the strays when they take on our attributes and mannerisms. White Americans will even tell you that Nigerians and Kenyans is something totally different than Black Americans in their conception of who Black people are.

Puerto Ricans get to be the fiesty Latino lovers. Dominicans get to claim they are not Black and exist in this weird space where they are not Black enough to be treated like a full on nigga but they aren't light enough to be pass, so they get treated with indifference unless they are in the Tri-State area or Miami. Like only NYers and Miami motherfuckers care about Puerto Ricans and Dominicans, everywhere else is just full of "Mexicans".

Nobody knows what the fuck a Guatemalan, El Salvadorian or Ecuadorian is or can tell the difference, all of them get categorized as "Mexican" and "Mexicans" are the ones that are stealing our jobs, running across the boarder, making gangs, running drugs, raping women, leaving anchor babies and all that shit they say on Fox News.

That's America's racial politics for you. Us and Mexicans are basically the same in status in America but they think they are better than us because Spain thoroughly colonized them and taught them to hate themselves so much that they link up with Neo Nazis in prison lol.

Word to EZ Reyes.
And those Armenians in LA are crazy too.

Yeah they are.

I remember living in the Little Armenia/Thai Town District of Hollywood way back in '02-'03. This Black Girl was near the Apt Complex I lived in, posted up. I was coming back from the Store when I spoke to her. Apparently, she was out there selling Crack to Armenian Teenagers.
Not to stereotype but I feel like every group in LA gotta gang to go with it all the ethnicities

L.A. is like one big-ass Prison, and each Ethnic Neighborhood is a Cellblock. One of the many Reason I got burned out living in my Hometown, shit was getting annoying to me. I'm on the OUTSIDE, NOT INSIDE.
She now says her life is ruined

Did she have any remorse on all the negroes she probably shitted on

Dat wetback chicana thought she was still in Mexico.

I ain't got no shame in the little politics I do support. I wish Trump and them republicans would send these half breeds back across the border where they belong. She could've got away w/ this nonsense if she was in her native homeland. And them raggly spics she birthed won't be any better. Fence hoppers.