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Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (Jacob Blake Protest Shooting)

You know what I find interesting between Kyle Rittenhouse and jacob Blake? How the police treated both of the situations.

Now I do not have all the details but all I know is..

Police blasted Jacob Blake in the back at point blank range 7 times..even though they were right behind him as he walked around to his car

No tazer/no tackle to the ground...and he was a criminal to my knowledge

Rittenhouse is carrying AR15 WALKING TOWARDS A FLEET OF POLICE IN RIOT GEAR screaming i just shot someone..they do not use any kind of force toward him..just let him walk away also given him some water

Emmm, I'm i right?

I'm not even surprised anymore at the discrepancy in how police treat them vs us. None of us should

On another note, at this point any black person not currently or working toward exercising their 2A is sadly misguided. No one is coming to save us. Ever.

My ppl, please stop going to these marches and protests unprepared. Purchase a firearm, med kit and body protection. Then train and move accordingly.
No I'm just giving ya'll a heads up before we start crying about CAC on CAC violence.......

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they gonna rule the 2nd shooting justifiable cuz he's getting rushed but the 1st shooting video doesn't look as good for him imho:

Shooter in the white box, guy that got shot is in the blue.

Hold up! I already assumed dude was gonna get off on self defense. But if the dude who got shot in the arm had a gun?! That cac gone walk, thats clear as day.

Only question is, ppl area sayin he already killed someone b4 that
You know what I find interesting between Kyle Rittenhouse and jacob Blake? How the police treated both of the situations.

Now I do not have all the details but all I know is..

Police blasted Jacob Blake in the back at point blank range 7 times..even though they were right behind him as he walked around to his car

No tazer/no tackle to the ground...and he was a criminal to my knowledge

Rittenhouse is carrying AR15 WALKING TOWARDS A FLEET OF POLICE IN RIOT GEAR screaming i just shot someone..they do not use any kind of force toward him..just let him walk away also given him some water

Emmm, I'm i right?

right... difference here is the cops are buddy buddy w these militia guys... there’s video of cops and the wannabe cops chilling on the streets while they’re patrolling.... cops thanking them for their work... cops working w them to push crowds etc

so they knew the kid, which is why I am assuming they did nothing to him
Hold up! I already assumed dude was gonna get off on self defense. But if the dude who got shot in the arm had a gun?! That cac gone walk, thats clear as day.

Only question is, ppl area sayin he already killed someone b4 that

Just because you have a gun don’t mean you suppose to get killed bruh.

The lil shit had a gun was he suppose to be killed?

The quick escalation from commands to deadly force proves these cops believe they are nazi officers going on "ethnic cleansing" campaigns. You can read their body language when they shoot multiple times. They shoot with ambition not fear
Just because you have a gun don’t mean you suppose to get killed bruh.

The lil shit had a gun was he suppose to be killed?

You are right.

Im jus sayin in this crooked system. If his lawyer can stress, he saw a gun so he feared for his life. They will claim self defense. And depending on the type of ppl in the jury. I think he will get off....he will get off on the 1st degree murder charge. He will prolly do time for crossing state lines w a fire arm tho