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Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (Jacob Blake Protest Shooting)

Was anything done to the pussy ass ho that shot Blake in the back? Thats all I really care about honestly
Fuck outta here with that weapons of war shit.

The nerve of that cac ass cac

"O’Rourke, 46, also said he was “mortified” when he reread the violent fiction he wrote as a teen, which received fresh attention on Friday after a report outlined his involvement in a hacker group as a teen. O’Rourke wrote a handful of posts on the group’s message board under the name “Psychedelic Warlord”, including a fictional piece he penned when he was 15 about children getting run over by a car. "

They ain't interested at all in disarming white supremacists, otherwise they'd have done it already.

Wish the fuck I would give up my arsenal.