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Kim Kardashian Files for Divorce from Kanye West

That's you right?

It's cool. Anyway...

Only one being dismissive of kanye's mental health that matters is kanye. Who cares what niggas in this thread or on social media think. Who cares what pete Davidson said about him in the past (ironically that he should get help but whatever) no one is stopping kanye from getting the help he needs besides kanye.
LMAO... you got me red handed. My take on anything Kanye related has been consistent since I was posting on the IC: dude is nuttier than squirrel shit, but his actions in public are just a reflection of the zeitgeist that feeds his ego. Any strong opinion in either direction is bordering on idol worship. I remember arguing with someone that the Theraflu song was a direct contradiction to that week's public rant... something about corporations, I don't really remember. I said back then that Kanye needed to take a break, heal from his pain and refresh his mind. This was 2013. 9 years later, I would need to be taken to a mental hospital myself if I write another titangraph about Ye's mental health. I'm not even saying I fully sympathize with him... a 2022 Kanye meltdown is just as funny as a 2013 Kanye meltdown. You right... only Kanye can help Kanye. However, I'm fully aware of the system that's forcing him to work for a shallow life they promote to us. I'm just saying... if I married into a family of spiritual succubi whose patriarch is a gold medal winning tranny, I'd cut my eyebrows off and legally change my name to Crynye too.
This is just a word salad of nothingness. I told you what I find stupid about what you said. Your refusal to say Kanye is wrong because "I don't want criticize a Black man" meanwhile this same Black man is publicly stalking and fawning over a white woman. If your ability to call out right and wrong is based mainly on the person being or not being Black then you're admitting you'd be willing to let alot of foul shit slide simply because the person is Black. And that makes you just as bad as the white people you claim to be trying to defend them from. You understanding where he's coming from shouldn't preclude you from also calling it out as being foul. We all can understand the motivation behind it but condoning it or refusing to call it what it is then places you on the side of defending him or taking a cowards way out of not being willing to take a stance at all.

People feel bad for Kim in this instance because far too often women in general have found themselves on the bad end of an ex who didn't want to let go and it spiraled out of control to a point of no return. So yeah when you got somebody doing the shit Kanye is doing its going to get a reaction from people especially if there's one group in particular who often finds themselves on the receiving end of that type of behavior. So you go ahead an explain to a group of women how you have a "neutral" stance on a man who is stalking a woman for the world to see and how because he's Black you won't call it wrong. Explain that to a group of Black women who been on the receiving end of an ex who wont quit and see if they ride for that neutral stance.
So your issue is me not calling it out?

and yea …adding black women into this changes the dynamic, so we don’t need to have that convo here.

and yes, I am more inclined to side with a black man in some instances when I see what’s trying to be done. It’s not about letting shit slide with this. It’s about seeing it holistically. And right now only ye is being shown negatively with partial information. And the white chick is the angel who needs to be protected.
So you saying cowards way out and weak, that shit don’t bother me. Clearly shit is not right on a few fronts here.
So your issue is me not calling it out?

and yea …adding black women into this changes the dynamic, so we don’t need to have that convo here.

and yes, I am more inclined to side with a black man in some instances when I see what’s trying to be done. It’s not about letting shit slide with this. It’s about seeing it holistically. And right now only ye is being shown negatively with partial information. And the white chick is the angel who needs to be protected.
So you saying cowards way out and weak, that shit don’t bother me. Clearly shit is not right on a few fronts here.

I've already said what the issue is. I'm not repeating it again. Either go back and read or admit you're being intentionally obtuse about what me and other posters called you out on.

And regardless of whether or not you want to admit it because you can't admit when you're wrong, you are letting shit slide with your reasoning for defending Kanye. Adding Black women doesn't actually change the dynamic because the dynamic exists because you're dealing with a man who can't let go of a failed relationship. And again that's something women of every group has experienced. It does however point to your hypocrisy...because if your sole reason for not wanting to call Kanye out is because you're both Black men what's there to say your loyalty still wouldn't be on his side if Kim Kardashian race was flipped?
i vividly remember him excited af cause he was talking about Kim was his dream girl, and this was when he was on the show early on while she was with Humphries iirc
Yea I peeped that, and was just smh when he later wife’d her. Even though I want him to be happy I realized he was unfortunately entering and tying himself to a situation in which he don’t fully understand the ramifications. And now what 4 kids later and also have to suffer loss of the woman he love, but like I said at least he’s out of the marriage… despite the pain it’ll help cleanse his life.

Kim have her debt, she got billions she need to stay unmarried from here on out. Otherwise it’s na’aph like I said.
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I feel bad for Kanye West just on a surface level. When you start to really dig deep? A lot of what he says, just comes off as a mentally ill person trying to fight through whatever emotional tirade they’re feeling at the time. So I feel bad for him just off of that. Knowing what Kim K is? I’m indifferent

I certainly don’t feel bad for him talking to a chick that he knew was mentally off-balance. However, once you hear someone like a Scott Disick say that he had to get away from the Kardashians because they practice witchcraft. That alone peaks a certain interest in my mind. It makes me wonder, are they running that on all men they deal with? Is that why they’re so off balance once they leave?

stories like this are really a microcosm for how society can treat people who look like him. Stuff like this trickles down to all of us, believe it or not. So I’m not going to side with a white woman as far as specific details that you know he’s not wrong about.
Unintentionally hilarious video about this whole situation:

Dude's basically saying he's disgusted at people feeling sorry for a man who's worth $3 billion.