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Kim Kardashian Files for Divorce from Kanye West

See it however you want. I’m still not siding with white peoples against a black man who is clearly and publicly spiraling out of control. Plus y’all only seeing what’s put out that goes against him as always.
As usual, I’m the only one who sees a problem with how this is playing out.

Your ego is really on one. You always claim you're the only one doing something. Makes sense you identify so much with an ego maniac like Kanye.
Why you always ready to try to hoe me?
Anyway, I can not in good faith talk about others moral code when mine ain’t all shiny. Did a whole buncha shit I’m not proud of.
Now if this was between two black people I would most likely side against fuckery. But I see a different play in this. So I won’t side against it.

That's a common refrain you use. That you can't criticize or call out somebody else for going wrong because your own past ain't shiny. News flash..nobody's is. If the criteria for calling out wrong as wrong was to have a squeaky clean past then nobody would ever be able to. That's just a weak ass excuse you've latched onto to avoid calling out shit for what it is while pretending to be neutral. For all your rants about fatherhood respect and responsibility and manhood if you truly cared about it then you'd see a man spiraling out of control who is clearly in need of some help. Not people telling him "Nah I can't say he's wrong" and further feeding into his delusions.
His post was generalized at worst, but an uncomfortably large amount of ppl have been dismissive of Kanye's struggles since his moms passed. Damn near every time he's made headlines outside of music has been met with bitter scrutiny rather than "bruh needs help". The Taylor Swift shit was a clear sign, but the most the president had to say about that was "he's a jackass". The president. The holder of the highest office in the country. I'm pretty sure he knows what poor mental health looks like. Kanye makes himself an easy target, but we all threw stones at homeboy before "self care" became a buzzword. Even now, we're quick to call him "KKKoonye" (why is the first time I seen it spelled like that 🤣 ) as if his sociopolitical stance has anything to do with having to watch his ex wife parade around with a sketch comedy actor that makes fun of him on a weekly basis or not being able to see his kids. That'll drive any man crazy. And I forgot about his new music when his new music dropped... mental health should be top priority for anyone that needs that kind of help.


...I tried.

:kanyecry::kanyecry2:Cryne West right now.

I want my money.

That's you right?

It's cool. Anyway...

Only one being dismissive of kanye's mental health that matters is kanye. Who cares what niggas in this thread or on social media think. Who cares what pete Davidson said about him in the past (ironically that he should get help but whatever) no one is stopping kanye from getting the help he needs besides kanye.
That's a common refrain you use. That you can't criticize or call out somebody else for going wrong because your own past ain't shiny. News flash..nobody's is. If the criteria for calling out wrong as wrong was to have a squeaky clean past then nobody would ever be able to. That's just a weak ass excuse you've latched onto to avoid calling out shit for what it is while pretending to be neutral. For all your rants about fatherhood respect and responsibility and manhood if you truly cared about it then you'd see a man spiraling out of control who is clearly in need of some help. Not people telling him "Nah I can't say he's wrong" and further feeding into his delusions.
None of what you said makes sense.
I call things out when it’s to be called out.

what you want is for me to side with the group. It happens at times but just not now.
And I already mentioned he’s spiraling out of control.
You talking just to talk now.
None of what you said makes sense.
I call things out when it’s to be called out.

what you want is for me to side with the group. It happens at times but just not now.
And I already mentioned he’s spiraling out of control.
You talking just to talk now.

You can side with whoever you want to. Your reasoning is just dumb as fuck and being called out as such. If you can't stand on that then maybe rethink this hill you're fighting so hard to die on.
You can side with whoever you want to. Your reasoning is just dumb as fuck and being called out as such. If you can't stand on that then maybe rethink this hill you're fighting so hard to die on.
This sounds dumb as hell.

my reason doesn’t need approval. It’s crazy to even think that.

maybe this is why a lot of people don’t stand on how they really feel. Not me. Fuck how y’all feel.
I speak mine and won’t change it.
yet black people are not a monolith, but we should all think the same.
If me not wanting to bash a black man being harassed by white folk and them spinning the narrative on him while he wants his family back is a bad thing……fuck it, I’ll die in that hill.
I was never a Kanye fan but for me there was never any chance of a come back after this and his wife taking the pic should've let him know she was a ain't shit bitch. Any woman who loves and respects her husband wouldn't have taken the pic and slapped that fucking plate out of his hand on top of being disappointed in him. The look on Kanye face says it all and he still didn't move accordingly after that.
I was never a Kanye fan but for me there was never any chance of a come back after this and his wife taking the pic should've let him know she was a ain't shit bitch. Any woman who loves and respects her husband wouldn't have taken the pic and slapped that fucking plate out of his hand on top of being disappointed in him. The look on Kanye face says it all and he still didn't move accordingly after that.

Him doing that is saying he don’t respect himself IMO
This sounds dumb as hell.

my reason doesn’t need approval. It’s crazy to even think that.

maybe this is why a lot of people don’t stand on how they really feel. Not me. Fuck how y’all feel.
I speak mine and won’t change it.
yet black people are not a monolith, but we should all think the same.
If me not wanting to bash a black man being harassed by white folk and them spinning the narrative on him while he wants his family back is a bad thing……fuck it, I’ll die in that hill.

Not being able to change how you feel isn't a personality trait you should brag about. Your basically admitting to having a stunted emotional growth. Nowhere in here did anybody say all black people should think the same. I simply said that to knowingly not call something as wrong because of the reason you gave is a weak stance to take. Telling somebody they're doing something wrong isn't bashing them. If that's the case then how the fuck will you ever learn anything about life in general if nobody can tell you what's right or wrong without you feeling like they're making a personal attack on you? That's some real ego centric shit to think nobody can ever tell you what you're doing wrong.

And if that man really wanted his family back then willingly moving away from them for 2+ years on top of parading around multiple women publicly while lambasting his ex wife for being with 1 person is a bad way to go about it. But given what you said you think telling Kanye he's wrong goes against your code so you'd be more inclined to just let him keep fucking up instead of actually doing something to help him.
Him doing that is saying he don’t respect himself IMO

Very true. This made me think about his drink champs interview. He name dropped all those people but if this the type of shit he is on when he around those people all that name dropping don't mean shit cause nothing but their flunky and they using him to sell their products to black people.
Not being able to change how you feel isn't a personality trait you should brag about. Your basically admitting to having a stunted emotional growth. Nowhere in here did anybody say all black people should think the same. I simply said that to knowingly not call something as wrong because of the reason you gave is a weak stance to take. Telling somebody they're doing something wrong isn't bashing them. If that's the case then how the fuck will you ever learn anything about life in general if nobody can tell you what's right or wrong without you feeling like they're making a personal attack on you? That's some real ego centric shit to think nobody can ever tell you what you're doing wrong.

And if that man really wanted his family back then willingly moving away from them for 2+ years on top of parading around multiple women publicly while lambasting his ex wife for being with 1 person is a bad way to go about it. But given what you said you think telling Kanye he's wrong goes against your code so you'd be more inclined to just let him keep fucking up instead of actually doing something to help him.

"Somebody shoulda told me it would be like this. Be like this. Be like this"
I don’t really want to bring this up, because it’s hard to tell what’s real in news anymore, but I’ll say it. You know what’s interesting? That the marriage Ye and Kim were involved in may have been invalid from the get-go. Remember Humphries? Who she married right before Ye, and then they split days later? Unless that was all fake, consider that between her and Humphries, life-long vows were uttered and then broken days later on some “oops” ish? Bruh, you can’t wife that afterwards. That’s na’aph, basically spiritual suicide if you stay in it. What appear to be a sad situation of a marriage falling apart, and Ye public cry for help as he try to get his family back, may ironically be host of Heaven at work splitting them up as a means to help save his soul. Count it as a loss that lead to life.
I was never a Kanye fan but for me there was never any chance of a come back after this and his wife taking the pic should've let him know she was a ain't shit bitch. Any woman who loves and respects her husband wouldn't have taken the pic and slapped that fucking plate out of his hand on top of being disappointed in him. The look on Kanye face says it all and he still didn't move accordingly after that.

Quit playin and lock this shit up...pleaseandthankyouveryphuckingmuch.
Not being able to change how you feel isn't a personality trait you should brag about. Your basically admitting to having a stunted emotional growth. Nowhere in here did anybody say all black people should think the same. I simply said that to knowingly not call something as wrong because of the reason you gave is a weak stance to take. Telling somebody they're doing something wrong isn't bashing them. If that's the case then how the fuck will you ever learn anything about life in general if nobody can tell you what's right or wrong without you feeling like they're making a personal attack on you? That's some real ego centric shit to think nobody can ever tell you what you're doing wrong.

And if that man really wanted his family back then willingly moving away from them for 2+ years on top of parading around multiple women publicly while lambasting his ex wife for being with 1 person is a bad way to go about it. But given what you said you think telling Kanye he's wrong goes against your code so you'd be more inclined to just let him keep fucking up instead of actually doing something to help him.
Check you out trying to bring the heat.

but see, all this means nothing.
Have you read thru this thread?
I think it’s been said enough times that he was wrong,a jackass and basically bashing him for like 20 pgs. A few wanted to have suicide bets.
A few are cheering on Pete to toast him.
DL adding his take and calling him a stalker.

I been said I may not agree with some things he’s does but I also understand
And no I’m not budging on this topic. I have admitted to being wrong before which means my mind can be changed but on this topic it won’t.
the Hate some have for this man is not healthy.
Like niggas want him humbled or humiliated. Shit don’t seem odd to you?
Or is your biggest issue the fact I won’t say he’s wrong?
Y’all too invested in shitting on him to the point not wanting to shit on him draws anger.
People really feel sorry for Kim. The hoe gets more sympathy , patience and the benefit of the doubt. People implying he kinda deserves all this is crazy.
So nah, I’m not going to jump on the wagon.
You said right is right and wrong is wrong.
You say one part is wrong while I see another as wrong.
What’s the real issue here?
Check you out trying to bring the heat.

but see, all this means nothing.
Have you read thru this thread?
I think it’s been said enough times that he was wrong,a jackass and basically bashing him for like 20 pgs. A few wanted to have suicide bets.
A few are cheering on Pete to toast him.
DL adding his take and calling him a stalker.

I been said I may not agree with some things he’s does but I also understand
And no I’m not budging on this topic. I have admitted to being wrong before which means my mind can be changed but on this topic it won’t.
the Hate some have for this man is not healthy.
Like niggas want him humbled or humiliated. Shit don’t seem odd to you?
Or is your biggest issue the fact I won’t say he’s wrong?
Y’all too invested in shitting on him to the point not wanting to shit on him draws anger.
People really feel sorry for Kim. The hoe gets more sympathy , patience and the benefit of the doubt. People implying he kinda deserves all this is crazy.
So nah, I’m not going to jump on the wagon.
You said right is right and wrong is wrong.
You say one part is wrong while I see another as wrong.
What’s the real issue here?

This is just a word salad of nothingness. I told you what I find stupid about what you said. Your refusal to say Kanye is wrong because "I don't want criticize a Black man" meanwhile this same Black man is publicly stalking and fawning over a white woman. If your ability to call out right and wrong is based mainly on the person being or not being Black then you're admitting you'd be willing to let alot of foul shit slide simply because the person is Black. And that makes you just as bad as the white people you claim to be trying to defend them from. You understanding where he's coming from shouldn't preclude you from also calling it out as being foul. We all can understand the motivation behind it but condoning it or refusing to call it what it is then places you on the side of defending him or taking a cowards way out of not being willing to take a stance at all.

People feel bad for Kim in this instance because far too often women in general have found themselves on the bad end of an ex who didn't want to let go and it spiraled out of control to a point of no return. So yeah when you got somebody doing the shit Kanye is doing its going to get a reaction from people especially if there's one group in particular who often finds themselves on the receiving end of that type of behavior. So you go ahead an explain to a group of women how you have a "neutral" stance on a man who is stalking a woman for the world to see and how because he's Black you won't call it wrong. Explain that to a group of Black women who been on the receiving end of an ex who wont quit and see if they ride for that neutral stance.
I don’t really want to bring this up, because it’s hard to tell what’s real in news anymore, but I’ll say it. You know what’s interesting? That the marriage Ye and Kim were involved in may have been invalid from the get-go. Remember Humphries? Who she married right before Ye, and then they split days later? Unless that was all fake, consider that between her and Humphries, life-long vows were uttered and then broken days later on some “oops” ish? Bruh, you can’t wife that afterwards. That’s na’aph, basically spiritual suicide if you stay in it. What appear to be a sad situation of a marriage falling apart, and Ye public cry for help as he try to get his family back, may ironically be host of Heaven at work splitting them up as a means to help save his soul. Count it as a loss that lead to life.
i vividly remember him excited af cause he was talking about Kim was his dream girl, and this was when he was on the show early on while she was with Humphries iirc