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Kim Kardashian Files for Divorce from Kanye West

@Revolver Ocelot

So you're ok with Kim and Pete indulging in behavior that could end up getting one or both of them killed.........and leave her children without a mother, and father by default?

Just let them cook huh?

View attachment 784711

Nigga what behavior?

It's Kanye's crazy ass that's making this into a fuckn spectacle.

And LMAO @ someone getting killed. If you don't clam your over the top ass down... :lol10:
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Nigga what behavior?

It's Kanye's crazy ass that's making this into a fuckn spectacle.

And LMAO @ someone getting killed. If you don't clam your over the top ass down... :lol10:

Stop being disingenuous bruh.

Them being together openly flaunting their relationship...........when her husband just bought a house across the street from him.

I don't think it will come to anyone getting killed either.

I hope it doesn't, but wouldn't be surprised if it did.

That's why it doesn't make sense to me why they would even take that chance.

From what I've observed, it's usually the ones you don't think will do anything.........who end up doing something that most people didn't think they were capable of doing.

The more you put down the new person in your ex's life the worst you look IMO. At the end of the day, that bug-eyed, sleuth footed, horse teeth having trout mouth ass nigga still got chosen over you. Ye crazy-ass don't want Kim back, his ego hurt. He can't fathom that this woman legit doesn't want him with all his millions and that God complex that he built over the years. Him "being rich, famous and very, very, very, very, very attractive" don't matter, she is still with the skinny dorky kid that looks like he bathes once a week and plays COD from sun up to sun down and loving it.

This shit is a perfect example of something me and my friends discuss alot whenever a fall out with an s/o happens which is trying to decipher if you were actually in love with the person or in love with the attention they gave you and what came with it. From how Kanye is acting, he was more in love with the attention that came from being with Kim as opposed to actually being in love with her. And now he's spiraling because he's not getting that attention so he's trying to find some way to fill that void. That don't excuse his fuck nigga antics, in fact it may make them worse looking through that lens, but it does give context to them
Think about what you just said.

It goes both ways.

Meaning, people get shot all the time for messing with other people's wives too.

So we shouldn't underestimate what Kanye might do if he's pushed to his breaking point.

I'm not underestimating what anyone could do. The fact that Kanye could eventually do something crazy is exactly why I believe if he wasn't Kanye, someone would have already put hands on him at the very least for what he's doing.
What the fuck was that incoherent babble? I can’t understand shit he’s actually trying to say. Also for as Christ like as he claims to be dude be doing some sinful shit. Wishing death on another man can’t be Christian Right? Right???
Like as a father that has to deal with baby moms I get that but bruh doing this all the way wrong. He’s only gonna make this harder for himself