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Kim Kardashian Files for Divorce from Kanye West

You really think that some regular nigga would get away with doing shit like this without a chick's homeboy, brothers, father, etc... seeing him about it? Ok.

The male head of that household is wearing eyeliner as we speak

This not about being regular vs having money it’s about that family lacking a strong male presence
The male head of that household is wearing eyeliner as we speak

This not about being regular vs having money it’s about that family lacking a strong male presence

I'm sure there is a lack of strong male presence in that family in particular, but let's not act like touching some regular dude and touching Kanye West are the same thing. Regular dude's asswhooping will probably be a hood footnote with little else afterwards. Kanye's asswhooping would be national news with a lawsuit undoubtedly following.
I'm sure there is a lack of strong male presence in that family in particular, but let's not act like touching some regular dude and touching Kanye West are the same thing. Regular dude's asswhooping will probably be a hood footnote with little else afterwards. Kanye's asswhooping would be national news with a lawsuit undoubtedly following.

Like DaBaby?
I think what’s making Kanye act up is the fact he had to do all of that hard work to get to the point he was at to bag “kim kardashian” and act a whole coon for her white family just for her to leave him for

Pete Davidson 🤣🤣🤣 I would be actin a fool too
Imagine spending millions of dollars on gifts for your wife only to lose her to the high school looking freshman dude who can make her laugh occasionally.

Play stupid games...........win stupid prizes.

They can keep playing with that man if they want.

Anybody with sense would leave well enough alone.

Pete's a fool if he doesn't walk away from that situation.

@Revolver Ocelot

So you're ok with Kim and Pete indulging in behavior that could end up getting one or both of them killed.........and leave her children without a mother, and father by default?

Just let them cook huh?

D'Angelo from The Wire clip.gif
Yes, and people get their asses beat for less every day of the week too. Hell, people pretty commonly get shot for shit like this, so you might want to stop underestimating what people will do to protect loved ones.

Think about what you just said.

It goes both ways.

Meaning, people get shot all the time for messing with other people's wives too.

So we shouldn't underestimate what Kanye might do if he's pushed to his breaking point.
I hope skete roasts this goofy ass coon tonite on snl.

He wont tho...."play pussy, get fucked."

The more you put down the new person in your ex's life the worst you look IMO. At the end of the day, that bug-eyed, sleuth footed, horse teeth having trout mouth ass nigga still got chosen over you. Ye crazy-ass don't want Kim back, his ego hurt. He can't fathom that this woman legit doesn't want him with all his millions and that God complex that he built over the years. Him "being rich, famous and very, very, very, very, very attractive" don't matter, she is still with the skinny dorky kid that looks like he bathes once a week and plays COD from sun up to sun down and loving it.

The more you put down the new person in your ex's life the worst you look IMO. At the end of the day, that bug-eyed, sleuth footed, horse teeth having trout mouth ass nigga still got chosen over you. Ye crazy-ass don't want Kim back, his ego hurt. He can't fathom that this woman legit doesn't want him with all his millions and that God complex that he built over the years. Him "being rich, famous and very, very, very, very, very attractive" don't matter, she is still with the skinny dorky kid that looks like he bathes once a week and plays COD from sun up to sun down and loving it.


Skete looks like he lives off mountain dew and cheetos lmao foh