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KeKe Palmer's boyfriend takes issue with her choice in attire to attend the Usher concert. Update: Keke has rescinded the protective order

Gonna talk strictly to the fellas here because the obvious issue is just low hanging fruit and I’m sure women can handle it. Fellas: if it’s your family and it’s your house then keep that in home. You throwing a fit in public about something you could’ve addressed (whether you’re right or wrong) in private is just as egregious of a violation as the one you THINK your lady did by wearing a dress. If you’re upset with how she represented you-I’m sure it’s because she peeps as we all now do how you represent yourself. 2. My brother in Christ you’ve already had the child. Keke Palmer been dressing like Keke Palmer for years now. You can’t change anybody and you can’t chain anybody- especially the rich ones and especially the free ones. There are women out there who love being covered from head to toe and love saying they do it because their man requires it. Go get her. Which brings me to 3. A baby doesn’t equal a husband. And I’m not saying that as a husband you have a right to police AND embarrass and show disunity- but what I’m saying is my boy you haven’t even decided to check all the required boxes of commitment and devotion in order to have a credible leg to stand on. And that’s without getting into the inner working of a relationship I obviously know nothing about- but it’s a good example for some folks I DO know. You need to pick the woman that works for how you move and not the woman you desire. And more deeply- “taming” women is a sick small minded game that only men who have accomplished very little participate in. Don’t hold what you can’t handle.
lol im curious have you watched the video yet?

Ye...No. I remain stubbornly ignorant of the ignorance. lol

Bruh, Hollywood is KNOWN for niggaz being way too comfortable.

Shit even Terry Crews got his balls grabbed.

True...on the other hand Terry Crews is a clown and doesn't seem like the kind of dude that's beyond trying. We just didn't know that about him at the time.
Sad part is...Usher ain't really had nothin to do wit the genesis of this whole thing.