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Karrueche Gets Restraining Order On Chris Brown, Says He's Abusive

My statement still stands.
Years ago she was thrown down stairs and punched in the stomach. She still stayed with him and just now wanna say something.

Ohhh it was "threat" that crossed the line and warranted the restraining order, not that ass whoopings, makes sense.
He's been harassing her for the last 3 years with the threats, showing up at her house and doing other stuff.
Does it really matter that she got the restraining order? She was abused in the past and now dude is making death threats. Sure, you can criticize her for getting the restraining order so late but if she's finally coming to her senses and realizes how unhinged dude is, maybe the veneer of being in a relationship with him fucked up her reasoning (as it's known to do) and she made an excuse for him beating her at the time.
You're saying the same thing we're saying. Nobody's saying she's wrong for getting the restraining order, but that if all the things that she accuses him of doing is true, ESPECIALLY after that Rihanna shit, then she's dumb af for sitting around to her ass beat for so long.
Nobody defending him people just calling out her stupidity

A woman is saying she was abused and accosted by CB and the first thing you say is...

"Why did she wait this long to get a restraining order?"

...that doesn't seem wacky to you?
Ask yall selves this:

If a victim of rape or molestation came out about it say 15 years down the line because they were either scared, embarrassed, or ashamed, would yall have the same reaction as you have here?

Ask yall selves this:

If a victim of rape or molestation came out about it say 15 years down the line because they were either scared, embarrassed, or ashamed, would yall have the same reaction as you have here?

My nigga, did u c the consent under the influence thread?

A whole lotta "bitches cry rape in the morning cuz they mad" was thrown around

There's a common thread of who gets the blame. Things that make u go hmmm.

Yea she shoulda been got it, but that nigga breezy an idiot...he stay doing the most...

Nigga brought this on himself:smh:
My nigga, did u c the consent under the influence thread?

A whole lotta "bitches cry rape in the morning cuz they mad" was thrown around

There's a common thread of who gets the blame. Things that make u go hmmm.
Yeah, I commented in it, when I see victim blaming, I try to take the same logic of the blaming and place it in similar situation so the person doing the blaming can relate somewhat. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. People are funny in that way.
Yeah, I commented in it, when I see victim blaming, I try to take the same logic of the blaming and place it in similar situation so the person doing the blaming can relate somewhat. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. People are funny in that way.
That's a good approach but unfortunately, the similar situation u used wld likely play out in a similar way. Skepticism of the victims motivations n questions of whether they were a victim @ all.

Then ppl wonder y formal legal proceedings in abuse, DV n rape cases r not that often pursued. Wld u come forward given the backlash n scrutiny just doing so receives?