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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Which Jews? All of them? Word? Not just the militaristic Zionist Israelis who actually believe in Greater Israel and bust they gun accordingly? Why are you lumping in literal imperialist footsoldiers in with some random california stoner w/ a Jewfro working at Starbucks, I'm pretty sure that guy cares more about Netflix than some fucking "Holy Land" lol

This clearly hasn't been true for a while because the Israeli right-wing realized they have a chokehold on Israeli Politics and therefore don't need the support of secular/liberal Jews in America anymore. They even realized they don't even need the full support of both parties anymore - Republicans are so gung ho with "we support Israel cuz Biblical End Times Prophecy" shit that they will block any anti-Israel policy automatically and the Dems are too divided to agree on punishing Israel for anything anyway.

Conservative/Orthodox Jews don't see eye-to-eye with Reform Jews, let alone non-religious ones. Jews are not a underclass but they also aren't a monolith and its weird how ya'll talk like they are. Its like niggas can understand internal divisions in every other ethnicity except this one lol.

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If that poll was further broken down by age groups, I think we know how it'd shake out.

The demographics and politics of Israel changed forever when the Soviet Union fell and 1.6 million Jews immigrated from Russia. They been slowly moving towards a fascist theocracy ever since. It'll only get worse imho. Probably not gonna see a whole lot of jewish celebrities and executives cheering when it does.

At the end of the day, there will be few Jewish celebrities or even the average Jew suggesting that the Jews returning to Israel was Western Imperialism and land theft and it should've never happened. They will always promote the 2 country solution, while the adherent Zionists celebrate more settlements. Democrats as a party are not gonna turn on Israel no matter what they do and soon as a Democrat says anything about Israel and their nationalism and how poisonous Zionism has been to the entire Middle East and Western policy in the Middle East, they will be called anti-Semitic.

The Jews that matter, that pull the strings, all act on one accord when they present themselves to world stage.

Sure, they got their internal differences, but are the Jews gonna pick Palestinians or themselves? They are gonna pick themselves so the war machine will march on.

They are no different than liberal and socialist White Americans that love to prop up Fred Hampton and MLK and talk spicy on Twitter against White conservatives, but are they are gonna pick White people or they gonna pick Black people.

It's no different than anti-war Americans vs. the War Hawks, are we gonna pick America or the next country that gotta get bombed to hell.

The true test of any ideology is what they are willing to sacrifice. Judging individuals is pointless when entire systems and machines operate on their behalf. The individual is insignificant.

Jews around the world, got Israel carrying out atrocities in their name. Just like millions of Americans got atrocities carried out in their name. Just like millions of White Americans had atrocities carried out in their name.

If people were truly against it, it wouldn't happen. It's complicity, that starts at the bottom when people say, "That's too bad..." and go on with their life. It's the average Jew, the average White person, the average American that lives their day to life, comfortable as fuck, dismaying about what havoc their people cause, that claim to represent them, and never do nothing about it. The people that are passionate these causes catch all the hell, while they get to virrtue signal to themselves that they have the right politics and the right morality without the right action.
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So I listened to the entire drink champs episode and Kanye is apparently mad at black people because we didn't fight for him to see his kids and he's jealous of Jewish people .

He said that Jewish people don't have abortions or shoot each other.

He said he wants little Jewish kids to ask their fathers why Kanye is mad at them?

Also he wore a white lives matter shirt because his BM is white and he cares about her "more than any of you niggas"

The Jewish media promotes BLM to give us trauma ,so he's anti BLM because Jewish ppl promote abortion in the black community or something.

I'm Moses, I'm Christ, I'm all the Michaels but mostly the arch angel Michael.

Jewish ppl make rappers rap about violence and
fuckin yo bitch

Drink Dusse' not Hennessy and stores should replace Hennessy with Dusse'

Fuck Meek and puff. Because the feds told them to speak against his anti-black comments but the next time he sees puff they're going to form a bank together or something

And he plans on running for president in 2024
Also Hillary Clinton wants his daughter to be a stripper or something and her grandmother which I can't hold him up on the Grandmother.